Friday, May 22, 2009

Blade Forex Strategies

Want to learn blade forex strategies? Are you struggling to make a decent buck in the forex market? Have you heard about Dean Saunders powerful blade forex strategies? Well today's your lucky day! Today I'm going to talk about Dean Saunders, creator of the highly popular 'Daily Swing System' and 'Easy News Trader' to bring you a new revolutionary forex trading package… Its unlike anything I have ever seen before. Introducing: "The Blade Forex Strategies"

Blade Forex Strategies

You can begin a profitable trading career starting today and learn 3 simple step by step forex strategies which will enable you to constantly cut pips out of the forex market every day. This is what Mark McRae of Sure Fire Trading Fame has to to say about Dean Saunders Blade Forex Strategies: 

" Have you ever downloaded something and somehow you find yourself reading part 12 instead of part one of a course or you are watching a video and halfway through you realize this must be the middle one in the sequence. Buy One, Get One Free! Anyway, I downloaded a Forex course the other day and there were a couple of folders so I just did my usual thing and started clicking.

Within minutes I was reading this really cool technique for trading the news, nothing fancy but it kicks out on average 263 pips a month. Then it suddenly dawned on me I wasn't even reading the course, I was reading the bonus material. When I opened the main course I was very impressed. I would have been happy with just the bonus because as we both know you can wade through loads of books and not find even one decent idea. Three Forex Strategies.

Blade Forex Strategies

When I did open the main course there were actually three strategies. All of them good and all of them simple. I always like the idea of simple forex strategies because there is less to break. Of the three I liked the M5 Scalping Strategy and the 4H Breakout Strategy. Deans original three forex strategies are highly recommended. 

I just chatted with Dean Saunders the forex trader I mentioned to you. It was a very interesting chat. I told him I was very impressed with his Forex strategies but I wanted to know what one he thought was the best or that he preferred. This is what he said! I trade all of the forex strategies but my favorite is the 4H Breakout Strategy. If a trader needs a strategy then this should be it. The 4H Breakout Strategy is my bread and butter strategy, over the years it has proven to consistently provide me with an enormous amount of profits."

Blade Forex Strategies

Dean shows you 3 amazing forex strategies with real life step-by-step examples, each strategy built to cut pips out of the market every day with a huge winning edge and small drawdown. Inside this revolutionary package you will discover guarded secrets used by professionals to pull hard cash out of the market every day. To see countless real life examples of trades taken go here:

Blade Forex Strategies

As if all this wasn’t enough Dean has gone above and beyond and is offering 2 of his other highly acclaimed trading strategies normally selling at Over $200 as free gifts for the first 50 orders!… But If you want to take advantage of Deans offer you need to hurry! Last time I checked the free gifts were only available for the next 39 copies!

Forex Call Options

Here's the guide on Forex Options Trading you needed to know:

What are Forex Call Options?
A forex option gives you the right but not the obligation to buy or sell a currency pair at a certain price on a certain date. The certain price in this case is called the 'strike price'. That is the option gives you the flexibility of choosing where you want to buy or sell the currency pair. The certain date in this case is called the 'expiry' or the expiration date of the option.

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

If you think that the market is going to go up then you would buy a call option. Likewise, if you think that the market is heading down, you would buy a put option. The seller (or "writer") of the forex call option is obligated to sell the currency pair should the buyer so decide. The buyer of the call option pays a fee (called a premium) for this right. The buyer of forex call options wants the price of the chosen currency pair to rise in the future; the seller either expects that it will not, or is willing to give up some of the upside (profit) from a price rise in return for the premium (paid immediately) and retaining the opportunity to make a gain up to the strike price.

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

Forex call options are most profitable for the buyer when the price of the chosen currency pair has moved up past the strike price greatly. When the price of the chosen currency pair surpasses the strike price at the time of expiration, the option is said to be "in the money". When the price of the chosen currencystays at or around the strike price at the time of expiration, the option is said to be "at the money". When the price of the chosen currency pair goes under the strike price at the time of expiration, the option is said to be "out of the money".

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

However, to be truly profitable, the gains resulting from the upward movement must also cover the cost of buying the forex call option (premium paid). For example, if the cost (premium) of buying a call option expiry in 1 week's time is 120 pips then the chosen currency pair must move upwards more than 120 pips past the strike price. If it rises 300 pips above the strike price by expiration your profit would be (300 pips - 120 pips) 180 pips!

Forex Put Options

What is a Forex Put Options? A forex put option gives you the right but not the obligation buy or sell a currency pair at a certain price on a certain date. The certain price in this case is called the 'strike price'. That is the option gives you the flexibility of choosing where you want to buy or sell the currency pair. The certain date in this case is called the 'expiry' or the expiration date of the option.

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

If you feel that the market is going to go down greatly then you would buy a put option. Likewise, if you think that the market is trending up, you would then buy a call option. The buyer of the put option pays a fee (called a premium) for this right as the buyer expects the price of the chosen currency pair to drop in the future while the seller expects that it will not.

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

Forex put options can only make profits for the buyer if the price of the chosen currency pair has moved down past the strike price greatly. When the price of the chosen currency pair falls past the strike price at the time of expiration, the put option is said to be "in the money". When the price of the chosen currency stays at or around the strike price at the time of expiration, the put option is said to be "at the money". When the price of the chosen currency pair goes above the strike price at the time of expiration, the put option is said to be "out of the money".

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

Please note that the gains resulting from the downward movement must also cover the cost of buying the forex put options (premium paid) to be profitable. For example, if the cost (premium) of buying forex put options expiring in 1 week's time is 135 pips then the chosen currency pair must move downwards more than 135 pips past the strike price. If it falls 250 pips below the strike price by expiration your profit would be (250 pips - 135 pips) 115 pips!

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

Forex Options Trading can be a very good trading model for people who want to create wealth through Forex Trading. What you need is a right system, the willingness to work and determination to not give until you reach your goal. If you are willing to take action, then this Forex Options Trading is suitable for you.

Meet The Stock Market Wizard

Meet the stock market wizard! In 2007, he produced an astonishing 4,700% cumulative return trading options. In 2008, he made 44 successful trades in a row in one of his advisory services. And so far for 2009, even in one of the worst market environment in decades, he has made money on 25 out of 30 trades... with 24 of those trades producing double-digit percentage gains! (Around 55.2% per trade, with an average hold time of 10 days). 

With his 2009 trades so far, you could have doubled your money every 30 days or so. Who is this "Stock Market Wizard" creating these eye-opening gains? It's none other than Ian Cooper, Senior Options Strategist for Options University Strategist service. Members of Options University Strategist were treated with those 2009 trades. Would you like to be part of that? Well, here's how...

It's to announce a special webinar with Ian to be held next Monday at noon EDT. And I'll say right now...You do not Want To Miss This Particular Webinar! That's because Ian will reveal the exact criteria he uses to pinpoint the candidates for these market-slaying gains. On this exciting webinar, you'll discover:

* The 8 criteria Ian looks for to find huge gainers (you've probably heard of all of them, but the right combination can mean supersized gains for your portfolio)
* The 4 most important criteria out of the 8 (the ones most crucial to judge direction and gauge trends) 
* Why it's dangerous to use these indicators by themselves as buy or sell signals, the way lots of other traders do (you'll learn the proper combination to produce maximum gains while minimizing risk)* The 4 most important candlestick reversal signals 
* Why the popular saying "Any company news is already priced into the stock" is a total myth, and how to exploit the news for big gains (with two examples of a recent mega-trades, one up 338% in just 6 days of trading, and the other rocketing from $1.40 to $2.50 in one day) 
* ... and much more If you would like to discover how a true "Stock Market Wizard" finds these home-run trades... Register and attend our special Monday noon webinar and you'll see what I'm talking about. Here's the link again to register: 

Meet The Stock Market Wizard

Prepare to have your eyes opened to new possibilities of making big money in good markets and bad! Trade Smart. Not Often. Wouldn't you like to know how a true "Stock Market Wizard" ferrets out some of the market's biggest gainers... Before they skyrocket in price? Then don't miss this special webinar next Monday with Ian Cooper. Here's that web page again for more information...

Forex Options Greeks

What are forex options greeks? Forex options are calculated with 'Greeks'. A basic explanation of these 'Greeks' will help you understand how and why the forex options move and behave in a certain way. As I had said in my previous post, Forex Options Trading is one of the best ways for wealth creation. The good thing with forex options is that they allow you to control a large amount of currency with a small investment called options premium. You pay the premium to buy forex options. So how much you lose if the anticipated price action does not takes place: only the small premium.

This makes forex options very powerful tools in your trading arsenal. If you can see a trend developing in a currency, you can use forex options to make windfall profits with that trend. This is what George Soros had done in 1992 when he betted heavily on British Pound (GBP) losing its value using forex options and broke the Bank of England. He had made more than $1 Billion profit in a few days with forex options on GBP and Deutsche Marks. Warren Buffet is also known to trade in forex options from time to time when the time is opportune. Forex options trading coupled with forex spot trading can be a powerful combination. The same things apply when you do the technical analysis for both.

A forex option is a derivative whose value depends on the underlying currency pair and how it's value is derived is from a formula that combines these Greeks together. The Greeks are how these options respond to various factors such as price movement, time decay, volatility, and interest rates. There are 5 Greeks involved and we go through them one by one.

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

Delta: The speed of the forex option's price gain or loss against the gain or loss of the underlying currency is known as the Delta. The Delta is a figure that shows us how fast or slow the forex option will move relative to the underlying currency. A Delta of 1 means the forex option price is moving at the same speed and direction as the underlying currency. A Delta of -1 means the option price is moving in the opposite direction for every point the underlying currency moves. In simple terms, Delta tells how much forex options premium changes in pips with the change in the currency pair pips.

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

The probability of a forex option expiring in-the-money is also expressed in the Delta. An at the money forex call option has a Delta of 0.5; i.e., 50%, meaning a 50% chance of expiring in the money. A deep in the money call will have a Delta of near 1, or 100%, meaning a near 100% chance of expiration in the money. A very out-of-the-money call option will have a Delta of close to zero, meaning a near zero chance of expiring in the money.

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

Gamma: Gamma is derived from Delta is the odds of a change in Delta. It also informs in advance if the Delta could be changing. Gammas are positive for both the call and put options. When forex options are deep in the money or deep out of the money, the Gammas will be near zero as the probability of a change in Delta are very low. Likewise at strike price the Gamma would likely to
be the highest.

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

Theta: Time decay is reflected in the forex option price as Theta. Forex Options bought have negative Theta, which means that each day you do not sell that option, the time value is declining because of the time decay. In this case, time decay is making it worse for the buyer of the option, the forex option is losing its value. When you sell forex options, Theta is positive, meaning that time decay is good for the forex option seller.

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

Vega: How volatility affects the forex option pricing is reflected in Vega. In other words, its sensitivity to volatility. Forex Options tend to have price increases when the underlying currency's volatility increases. In this case, volatility is good for the buyer of a forex option and bad for the seller of a forex option. Vega is positive for long forex option and negative for short forex option.

Rho: Rho is how interest rates affect the pricing of the the forex option. When interest rates are high and it is good for the position, Rho will be positive. If interest rates are high but bad for the forex option position, Rho will be negative.

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

The proliferation of online brokerage firms combined with low commission costs has empowered the average retail investor to navigate the options market like never before. Despite their reputation for being risky and difficult to master, forex options can present a unique advantage to the individual trader. They provide increased cost efficiency and are not as risky as equities. Forex Options can also offer higher percent returns than stocks and strategic alternatives.

Learn Forex Nitty Gritty

Why you need to learn forex nitty gritty? Because most of the traders jump into forex trading without mastering the forex nitty gritty and fail. Why do most forex traders fail? According to studies, over 90% of forex traders fail. You may ask if there is any reason for anyone to join the hordes of traders in the financial market, especially knowing that alongside the popularity of forex trading are fraudulent offers from fly-by-night firms. But those who have serious interest on investing must fret not. There are successful traders who can testify on how trading can double their earnings in a span of a year.

Learn Forex Nitty Gritty

Nonetheless, it is not true that foreign currency trading is easy money. Now Forex Nitty Gritty is a monthly subscription service started by the veteran forex trader Bill Poulos. Those who succeed in forex trading have invested a lot not only on their accounts but on education as well. Forex Nitty Gritty can provide you with excellent forex education. Although information on currency trading is available everywhere on the internet, the saying that you really have to pay for quality education still applies.

Learn Forex Nitty Gritty

On an average, learning forex nitty gritty and how to trade effectively may cost about $4000. This includes training courses that utilize videos, software and spread-betting accounts. All that is needed to learn about the financial market should be absorbed entirely before you can even start trading with a demo account. But Forex Nitty Gritty is a low cost service that won't cost much to you. Bill has developed many successful forex trading courses like the Forex Profit Accelerator and the Forex Income Engine costing thousands of dollars. Recently Bill launched his latest product Forex Nitty Gritty, a low cost product that anyone can join and test.

Learn Forex Nitty Gritty

But this is not all. Learning forex nitty gritty require time and practice on your part. Most traders who fail are those who entered the market using real money at the wrong time. Using a demo account for a few months before trading with real money shall equip you with the right experience in order to succeed in trading. One must practice a single strategy and stick to that system up to the time when you are all set for trading with real money. How many times have you thought, "If I knew then what I know now..."

Well...If I could travel back in time, I'd go back to the day I first heard the word "Forex" and secretly hand my younger self a copy of the Forex training videos that I recently got my hands on that SPECIFICALLY show you how to:

* Skip through all the boring theory & teach you the "must know" foundations of successful Forex trading...

* Reveal a "no-brainer", simple yet deadly effective Forex trading method that you can use to up your odds of success again & again...

* Master the discipline & psychology of Forex trading so you can place trades as if you had "ice in your veins"...

* and a ton more crucial Forex insider concepts that take most traders years (& lots of lost trades) to discover...

It would have saved me years of grief...There's nothing I can do about that now; but if you're like most traders and are still struggling to make consistent gains in the Forex markets, you can avoid all the mistakes most traders make if you just spend an evening or two watching these training videos. I let you know about them yesterday, but I just wanted to give you a courtesy reminder that for a while longer, you can still get them and:

Forex Triad Trading

Have you got your Forex Triad Trading yet? Jason Fielder reveals a "New Style" Forex Triad Trading that puts traders in the top 1%. Just listen to what Mark McRae, a veteran forex trader better known for his famous sure fire forex trading course has to say about the Forex Triad Trading: "If you are still interested in the Forex Triad trading then you should know there are only 24 hours left until they close their doors. Shock & Awe Video...

Forex Triad Trading

I was impressed with the "Shock & Awe Video". I watched on Jason Fielder's website. He must be doing something right because some very serious traders have got behind him. Just remember that even though there is hypothetically 24 hours left, there are in fact only 56 copies (as of this writing). That means all the copies could go even before the 24-hour deadline.

Forex Triad Trading

I think Jason has gone a long way to prove that his forex system is legit. He gave away two reports that were better than some courses I have seen and held a webinar to answer people's questions. OK, here's a quick summary of the Forex Triad Trading and what you get:

- The "Money Zone", a specific area around where you enter the market ... where you place your profit target and your safety exit for maximum profit.

- How to master this new technology in the shortest time possible.

- Why as a "beginner", you're able to use Forex Triad to quickly surpass experienced traders ... even if you don't spend years learning! In fact, the less you understand about what the "experts" try to tell you, the faster you'll be capturing gains and making the kind of cash you could only dream about!

- How to master Forex faster than anything else you've ever attempted. Even if you know nothing about investing! 

- A clever "Mechanic's Guide" to finding multiple quick winners! Get ready for a graduate class in Advanced Short-Term Forex. This will rock your world.

- The "correct" way to enter the market ... which instantly "nails down" your accuracy. The more laser-like your entries and exits, the more exact your targets and odds of reaching them will be.

- Triad gives you the precision of a heat-seeking missile on a cash making rampage! Just think about how much fun you'll have hitting the market like a pro and cleaning up on the maximum revenues possible!

- Puts you smack inside the same "High Profit Making Zone", this is how the best pros get into trades that are the most consistent, no stress and deadly perfect trades humanly possible ... EVERY TIME YOU TRADE!

- It's very quick to learn the Forex Triad trading formula. You'll zoom through it in about the time it takes to watch a couple of Simpson's episodes. 

- It's PACKED with specific pro-level skills that you will learn without even knowing you're learning them! How? Because he's a sneaky teacher. The Frankenstein lessons have been constructed to stuff incredible Forex skills directly into your brain. 

- Your new super-polished skills will automatically show up in your bank account on the very first big-win! Plus, these skills will be there for you forever... allowing you to start out each new session with awesome accuracy, precision, and gains ... and just continue to get better each and every time!"

Forex Triad Trading

Is the Triad Trading any good? I believe it is. Well I sure didn't expect this! But yesterday Jason Fielder himself contacted me and let me know the demand was SO high for Forex Triad AFTER it closed, they were "strong armed" into hiring 2 new staff members to keep up with the high level of support they are committed to providing. Because of the additional staff members that were hired, and the FAR higher than expected demand, Jason just told me he is releasing 200 more copies of Forex Triad. 

Forex Triad Trading

They are now able to support more traders which was the limitation to releasing more copies last week.But...And this is a big but...The OTHER reason they are releasing more copies is because of the crazy demand that has not subsided since they closed last Friday. How do they judge this demand? Simple, they have a "Waiting List" on the original order page, and you won't believe how many traders have already signed up...Over 943! Remember only 200 are available, and they won't last long once they are released... At exactly Noon EST tomorrow, Thursday May the 14th:

Forex Triad Trading

So go register now, and get on the early bird list so you can grab your copy when they go on sale. After this time, the doors won't re-open. Do the math-- there are 943 people on the waiting list. And there are only 200 Triads being made available. There is no risk and, and they even brought back those amazing bonuses as well that are featured in a video here: