Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Learn Forex Trading and Multiply Your Wealth

To many people that sounds amazing, and perhaps it is. It can be very profitable for investors and fortunes have been made by many. The incentive to learn forex trading is the oldest incentive by far, the incentive to make profit. If you learn forex trading you are learning how to make your money make more money for you, the goal of all investors.

If you choose to learn forex trading online you are not alone since thousands of people choose this method every year. If you learn forex trading online you have the benefit of choosing an instructor from almost anywhere in the world, or to choose multiple instructors.

When you learn forex trading in this fashion your virtual classmates could be from England, Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris, or any other exotic locale that you may have only read about in the past.

Obviously this diversity of culture and knowledge will be beneficial. During online chats and student discussions questions will be raised that you may not have thought of yourself, and you’ll be able to benefit by hearing the answers.

The ultimate goal of forex trading is to trade currency in a consistent manner that will result in profit. For instance, buying Euros with US dollars and then selling the Euros for more than you gave for them when the market changes.

This is the oldest rule of business, buy low and sell high. If you learn forex trading you’ll be able to do this on a scale you never would have thought possible, limited only by the amount of investment funds you have and by market conditions


if you read about investing, you've seen the word forex trading. But because forex doesn't get much publicity in the major publications and websites, many investors don't know that forex is just short for "foreign exchange". So trading the forex market is simply trading foreign currencies.

As recently as ten years ago, currency trading had high barriers to entry, so only large banking and institutional firms had access to the tools and systems required to play in the forex trading game. Recently, however, technology has developed to the point that any individual investor can hop right in and trade with one of the many online platforms.

When buying and selling in the forex currency trading system market, you'll see that there are four "currency pairs" that dominate the percentage of trades. Those four are the Euro vs U.S. Dollar, US Dollar vs Japanese Yen, US Dollar vs Swiss Franc, and US Dollar vs British Pound.

The goal when investing in currency is to be holding a currency that appreciates in value in relation to the other currencies. To use an overly simplistic example, if you bought 50 British Pounds for 100 US Dollars, held the Pounds for 1 week, and in that period the value of Pounds increased in relation to US Dollars, you could then convert those Pounds back into dollars for, say, $120.

Unlike the domestic stock markets, the forex currency trading is open for trades 24 hours a day. Much like the phrase "it's always noon somewhere," it's always business hours at some region of the globe. Since every country trades on the FX market, and it's open all day, the daily volume is roughly $1.2 trillion, which dwarfs that of the NYSE. Another comparison to make in order to truly realize the magnitude of the forex market is with the currency futures market (which has around 1% of the daily volume).

One other important distinction to make is that forex currency trading is not centered on an exchange like the NYSE or NASDAQ. There is no central body or organization required to act as middleman. Trading circulates between major banking centers around the world.

Until recently, there were strict financial requirements and massive minimum transaction sizes which prevented individual investors from trading. But with the advent of the internet came the FX brokers. A forex currency broker is similar to an online stock trading account such as etrade.

Anybody can open an account and buy and sell in any quantity. Because the brokers have thousands of investors placing orders through them, they are able to meet the large minimum transaction size by purchasing in large blocks and distributing currency amongst the purchasing investors.

Although it is now easy to start trading forex, it is a complicated and complex market. While it offers fantastic opportunity for wealth, it is also very easy to lose your shirt in a hurry. Before trading forex, do your homework and read as much as you can find before investing your hard earned money.

Should you invest in Forex Trading?

Forex trading is all about putting your money into other currencies, so you can acquire the concern for the night, for time period or the difference in trading money all around. Forex trading does affect other assets along with money, but because you are investing in other countries and in other businesses that are dealing in other currencies the basis for the money you make or lose will be based on the trading of money.

Constant trading is done in the forex markets as time zones will vary and the markets will open in one country while another is near closing. What happens in one market will have an effect on the other countries forex markets, but it is not always bad or good, sometimes the margins of trading are near each other.

A forex market will be acquaint when two countries are affected in trading, and when money is traded for goods, services or a combination of these affairs. Currency is the money that trades hands, from one to another. Often times, a bank is going to be the source of forex trading, as millions of dollars are traded every day. There is about two trillion dollars traded each day on the forex market. Should you get involved in forex trading? If you are already involved in the stock market, you have some idea of what forex trading really is all about.

The stock market involves buying shares of a company, and you watch how that company does, waiting for a bigger return. In the forex markets, you are purchasing items or products, or goods, and you are paying money for them. As you do this, you are gaining or losing as the currency exchange differs daily from country to country. To better prepare you for the forex markets you can learn about trading and purchasing online using free ‘game’ like software.

Forex Training

Life is beautiful. Did you see the movie, Beautiful Mind? It was about Professor John Nash who was a pioneer in Game Theory. He was awarded a Nobel Prize. Every moment of your life is beautiful. Develop new passions. Learn new things.

I remember I used to be very fond of playing tennis. The whole day, I would wait when I would enter the tennis court in the evening. In the beginning, I was not a good tennis player. By buying a tennis racket or a golf set, you do not become a good player. This is only the first step. You have to make an effort.

The whole day I would wait when evening would come and I could play tennis. I would do wall practice. So, I would practice and practice. Sometimes, I would play with my coach.

I had an ambition. I had a dream. I wanted to be known as a good tennis player. Winning and losing lies in your mind. If you have seen the movie, The Secret, it explains the secret of success very beautifully.

Becoming a successful forex trader should be your dream. Learn everything you can about forex. Practice and practice! Dont rush.

Your first step should be to digest a good forex trading course. Go through the course again and again. Digest even small points given in the course. Pause and ponder on each line in the course.

You aim should be to master the behavior of the currency markets. You should train yourself for that. Learn Technical Analysis. It is the thing to learn for a successful day trader.

Learn what the lagging indicators and what are the leading indicators. Lagging indicators depend on the past behavior of price action. Leading indicators predict the future likely course of the prices in the market.

Know what is the support and resistance at that point. Develop your perspective about the market. You should understand depth what are SMAs, EMAs, MACD, Bollinger Bands etc and how to interpret price action through them. Understanding use of Pivot Points is must for you to predict whether the currency market is bearish or bullish.

Learn the money management principles. This is one thing that most traders simply skip. Do you know that in the end, it is good money and risk management that can make you a good trader?

About the Author:
Mr. Ahmad Hassam has done Masters from Harvard University. He is interested in online trading; options and forex trading. Know the Best Forex Trading Course. Discover a revolutionary ne

Understanding Forex Trading

The stock markets are complicated, but you can educate yourself. If you are interested in getting involved with the stock markets then one of the first things that you will want to learn about is Forex trading.

The forex market is basically the foreign stock exchange. This is where parties purchase stocks in one currency by exchanging payment in a separate currency.

Forex trading is done on one of the biggest financial markets in existence. Forex trading is done between corporations, large banks, and even different governments.

Forex trading is particularly challenging because it trades in such large volumes, and it is trading things from a wide geographical area. One of the greatest things about forex trading is that you can trade 24 hours a day during the business week.

Trading on any stock exchange can be a risk, and forex trading is just as risky. Though there are not typically as many losses as some of the ones found on the smaller markets they do still exist within forex trading.

Additionally, given the larger volumes that are currently traded within forex trading there is the potential for investors and traders to pull down larger margins of profits from their trades.

Starting To Trade On Forex

Whenever you start doing something new, you should learn the basics of it. Every start is hard and needs a lot of dedication, but if you are willing to learn success will come in time. So, before starting to trade on the Forex you should learn the very basics. I recommend that you check out Forex-Training. It provides high quality training and educational resources for foreign exchange ("Forex") and commodity traders. They also give you a free account which you can use to practice before starting to invest real money.

Even if you’re an active trader in stocks, you may not be prepared to invest in forex, or the foreign exchange market. Forex trades 24 hours a day from 5:00 p.m. ET on Sunday until 4:00 p.m. ET Friday, so you won’t hear those opening or closing bells. And, there’s no central market like the New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq. Instead, trade is conducted between participants through electronic communication networks (ECNs) and phone networks in various markets around the world. So, when you hear that the US dollar closed at a certain rate, it simply means that was the rate at market close in New York. But currency continues to be traded around the world long after New York’s close.

But, like securities, traders can go long or short and they can make a profit or lose money. As with stocks, it’s best to conduct some research into how the forex market works before you begin to trade. After you understand how the forex market works, you can begin to build a trading strategy.
The following list contains 37 tutorials, tools, and resources that will help you get started with investments in forex. If you’ve traded on any stock exchange in the past, some of these tools might feel or appear familiar, but they may have a new twist. The resources listed below were chosen for their clarity and simplicity as well as for their reputation.

Why Forex Trading Gets More Popular Than Trading Stocks

Forex is different from trading stocks, but the benefits and risks are similar.

The Forex markets are quite different from the stock markets largely because the price behavior of the Forex pairs is different and entails abrupt price swings. This means traders should utilize trading methods different from those that are used to trade or select stocks so that traders may fully realize the profit potential Forex offers while still minimizing risk.

Both Forex and stocks, however, are similar in that they develop repeatable price trends that give traders enormous profit opportunities for those traders with strong trading methods, disciplined trading mindsets and sound money management tactics.

One of the reasons Forex has gained in popularity is the concept of Leverage, which allows traders to take Forex positions with a much smaller account size than would be required for trading stocks, and because the margin requirements for Forex are smaller than they are for stocks. This increases the reward ratio for profitable trades, but it also increases the risk.

For example, most brokers offer at least 100:1 leverage, which is more than enough to generate significant profits while maintaining sound risk management. Other brokers will offer up to 400:1 leverage — but the risk reward ratio is not in the trader’s favor with this type of leverage.

Leverage, combined with reduced margin requirements and high profit potential are the real driving forces of the expanding Forex trading market.

In addition, Forex is more predictable than thousands of stocks. It follows well established trends.

And: Foreign Currency Traders don’t suffer from a Global Recession.

In fact, there has been a multitude of opportunities in Foreign Currency during the Crash of 2008.

And there will always be a constant flow of opportunity in Forex.

Because as one economy slows, another surges.

Sometimes we see these mini surges daily, others are longer term trends that we can ride for bigger profts.

You’ll always be able to find financial imbalances in the Forex market, where you can proft.

Trading Forex has become a recession-proof business for those willing to learn the process of how markets
react in today’s volatile world events.

Trading Forex enables you to (re-)gain contol of your financial well-being.

Forex Trading Fundamental Analysis

The two primary approaches of analyzing currency markets are fundamental analysis and technical analysis. Fundamentals focus on financial and economic theories, as well as political developments to determine forces of supply and demand. One clear point of distinction between fundamentals and technical’s is that fundamental analysis studies the causes of forex market movements, while technical analysis studies the effects of market movemen

Online Forex Trading For Novices

If you are a beginner in the online forex trading business it is utmost necessary for you to understand the basics of the trade. Remember that you need to have a better understanding about the components of Forex market, how it works, and all the events that are likely to affect the currencies traded. Forex trading is all about trading currencies of different countries and to make money in this business you have to buy low and sell high. Beginners must be aware of the fact that Forex currency market fluctuations depend on various socio-economic factors as well as some political factors like the government policies, banking activities, and the interest rates. The currency values are always in motion and it is very rarely that a currency would continue to have the same value for a long period.

For a beginner the best way to learn forex trading would be through the Internet. Learning Forex trading online has become easy and less time consuming as you can find every single detail you want to know. You can get yourself associated with a reliable broker who can be the best guide for you. Another basic thing a beginner needs to know is that Forex trading operates 24 hours of the day and for 51/2 days a week. A lot of money is being traded each day and the daily transactions in Forex trading can go beyond $2.5 trillion. You must keep yourself updated with the currency trading value changes and must be prompt to act accordingly.

Beginners need to know very well that Forex trading is not about getting rich overnight. You need to develop yourself in the process to become successful. It is not just about one night or one week but may take you several weeks and months to adapt to the system. You will have to keep your priorities clear and must be able to bear losses, gains, market instability, threats, and challenges as you carry yourself in this game of trade. For a beginner it is very essential to find a good platform to prevent the initial losses and with the mushrooming of plenty of forex trading.

Once you begin to understand the business properly, try to get hold of it and proceed cautiously. You need to remember that you are in the Forex trading business to be a long-term player and reap maximum profits with the best of your capabilities. Forex trading can be anyone’s game, provided you keep cool and be focused in your priorities. Tips on Learning Forex Trading

Learning Forex trading can be very beneficial to your success. Not knowing what you're doing in the FX market can be very detrimental. So, what I'm going to do is share with you some tips on learning online currency trading. That way, you'll be able to make a lot of money as a trader. When learning to trade forex, the first thing you should do is open a demo account. This will allow you to trade without risking your own money. Make sure you get familiar and comfortable with the process. This will help you become better. Also, be sure you understand the terms used in forex trading. If you don't, you'll get lost very easily. It's not a difficult thing to learn. Once you've learned the terms associating with forex trading and after you have practiced with a demo account, you should now open a live account.

This account will allow you to start trading Forex. If you want to maximize your opportunity to make money in the FX market, you should get yourself a robot. This robot will help find opportunities for you to profit from. But as with any tool, such as the robot, it's going to take a little practice on your end. Once you're comfortable with using the robot, making money will become easier. Especially if you pick the right forex robot. Another tip on learning Forex trading is to make yourself a plan, some goals, and have a system. This will help you succeed a lot faster. platforms it is a hard task to identify a really good one. To begin with, you must operate with a demo account instead of dealing real money. In this aspect your broker can guide you in the right path.

Risk Aversion Returns to Forex as Hope from G20 Fades

The period leading up to the G20 meeting was generally marked by optimism and hopefulness. One commentator urged his readers: “Don’t write off the London G20 meeting. It could lay the foundations for fundamental global change, impacting currencies, gold and bond markets.”

On some level, the meeting probably did fulfill expectations. After only a few hours of discussions, the G20 agreed to “stricter limits on hedge funds, executive pay, credit-rating companies and risk-taking by banks. The summit also committed more than $US1 trillion to boost the resources of the International Monetary Fund and provide emergency cash to help distressed countries.”

Investors rejoiced and the markets rallied, with the Dow rising above 8000 points and capping “the best four-week rally since the week ending May 12, 1933.” Bulls can now retort that the stock market bust of 1929 took four years to recover, while the recession of 2008-2009 required less than one year. Forex markets also reacted “positively” to the G20 summit, lifting the Dollar above the important psychological barrier of 100 Yen/USD, and causing emerging market currencies to rise across the board.

Monday, however marked a return to business as usual: “Post-G20 euphoria, which had helped to boost market confidence about a global recovery, proved short-lived as investors once again focused on the continued risks to the banking system.” It was probably only a matter of time before investors drilled beneath the surface of the impressive-sounding G20 rhetoric and large numbers, into the nuts and bolts of the summit’s policy prescriptions.

Forex Signals Services: Path to Profits or Trail to Tears?

Retail forex trading is the most risky form of investing, yet every day hundreds, even thousands of people turn to forex as a way to make a quick buck. The idea of taking the time to learn the market and trade a demo account for months before risking real money can sound boring and nonproductive, so many seek out a way to start making money now, fast and easy. They seek out trading signals providers, there are hundreds out there with slick websites and claims of hundreds or thousands of pips per month, for a monthly subscription. The question is: Why do these signals providers really exist if they are truly making the amount of pips and profits they claim to be earning?

Trading for others helps you be a better trader

I personally know someone who provides a forex trade signal. I have been trading with her for 2 years now on a daily basis, but she has been trading this market for more than 5 years and she also trades accounts for others. When I asked why she does the trade signals she exclaimed, “It makes me a better trader, making my trades public. I think twice or even three times before entering a trade, I double and triple check myself.” I thought that was a pretty good answer. She also told me that her percentage of losing trades to winners has diminished since starting the service. Not only does she make a few extra dollars by her subscription service, but she also uses it as a tool to keep her own trading in check. Pretty smart.

The best place to find a scam is on the internet

Yes, there are Forex signal providers that are scams on the internet. Some start business knowing that they are a scam and just want to make as much money as possible from unsuspecting new traders before getting caught. Others actually start out thinking they will be great but soon end up making mistakes and making too many mistakes will soon mark you as a scam, whether you are one or not. In my opinion and years of seeing signals providers come and go, most services start with good intentions, but like with most trading systems they work for awhile and then lose their luster.

It is important to do some due diligence before sending money to any signals provider, for example:
1. Get a recommendation from another trader.
2. Check their website thoroughly, find out when they started giving signals and their trading methodology and performance record, and ask for a reference
3. A good provider will have a reduced rate trial offer
4. Money management is key, whether using a signal service or your own trading. Start with a demo first. Then gradually add a mini lot, only adding to lot size if the trade signals prove to be consistently good.

At we strive to provide helpful information to beginning and experienced traders. Therefore, we will be tracking various signals providers for their service and their monthly pip counts, to shed some light on the darker side of forex. Visit our website and join in the forums discussions regarding these services.

Finding the Best Forex Robot

If you are thinking of buying Forex Robot then you are probably already aware of the potential money making opportunities of the forex market. For the small investor in these difficult times, developing additional, or multiple, income streams would seem to be a wise decision. For small investors beginning to explore the forex market a forex trading program can also be a great help in learning to understand how the market works. The fact is forex market trends are highly complex by their very nature. Successful traders concentrate on longer term trends and accept that there can be short term reversals of fortune The trouble is for less experienced traders, the emotional responses can cloud your judgement causing you to deal badly with such reversals, or hold on longer than you intended when you see things going your way, only to lose your gains at the last minute.

A Forex Robot has no such emotions and will only react according to your intentions when establishing the trade. This is one of the key benefits for people trading on Forex from home. A second major benefit is the complexity of the algorithms that the Forex Robot uses to analyse the markets and the speed with which it calculates them. Third is the ease with which forex trading software can gather together all of the information you need in order to decide on your trades, and remember, Forex is a 24 hour market. For those of you who are just beginning to explore the forex market to decide whether to invest your time and money, a Forex Robot may be the perfect way to help you decide.

Forex Robot Software is now relatively inexpensive, in fact much cheaper than the losses on a single trade can be. Most programs have the ability for you to practise in real time without exposing yourself financially. So that when you have learnt how it works you can go live with confidence. For many, the only way to find out if these programs work is to try them. Many come with a 60-day - 100% satisfaction guarantee, so, investing in a Forex Robot Software could be a wise investment. The forex markets are completely accessible to the smaller investor working from home. Access is easily available via the Internet and the stake required is very modest. Add to that the fact that while your financial risk is limited to the amount you wish to trade, the amount of profit you could make is unlimited. This is because in forex trading your gains are effectively multiplied by 100, so a 0.5% gain from one currency to another results in a 50% gain on your investment. Forex Trading Software has become so affordable for the small home trader that it is an investment many of us can now make. And, the advanced functionality of these programs means that they can also help to increase our understanding of this complex but highly lucrative market.

Forex Robot That Will Make Big Gains

A Forex robots success or failure is dependent on the algorithm or rules, it uses for making trading signals. By looking at the rules, you can see which ones are likely to make money, here are some simple tips to find the best. Every Forex robot you see promoted claims to make money but the simple fact is most don't and will wipe your equity out. Why? Because the rules they use to trade are based on unsound logic. The first points to keep in mind are these.

Forget sophisticated mathematical formulas, to predict prices - they don't work and never will. Forex markets don't move to mathematics they move to the odds so complex theories lead to losses furthermore, there is no system that can predict the future. Ignore any system that claims it is predictive and move onto the next one. Generally the fewer the rules the trading system contains the better. So don't think simple systems don't work they do, as they are very robust and a system that's to complicated will simply break.

Now let's look at some other ways to spot good Forex Robot.

Does the system have an independent track record or is it simply a back test? If it is a simulated back test, then all this means is that the vendor has bent his rules to fit historical data to make a profit. These fail miserably in real time as you can't bend going forward.

Is it short term trading system? If it is avoid it. It won't work because all short term movements are random and no day trading or scalping system will make money.

Check that all Markets are traded with Same Rules? If there not and you have unique rules for different markets and conditions, chances are it's a bent to fit system, that has simulated track record and should be avoided.

A simple Forex Robot can be the best robot and it should trade ALL markets in the same way and trade them long term. Most Forex robots you see claim to be mathematical, predictive and complicated which is not a good sign! Stick to the ones that have a real time track record to back up what they claim and never trust a back tested simulation. Look around and you will find the right automated Forex robot which can lead you to long term success.

Beat the Forex Dealer

Beat the Forex Dealer: An insider's look into trading today's foreign exchange market Wiley Trading

The foreign-exchange market is often referred to as the Slaughterhouse where novice traders go to get 'chopped up'. It is one of egos and money, where millions of dollars are won and lost every day and phones are routinely thrown across hectic trading desks. This palpable excitement has led to the explosion of the retail FX market, which has unfortunately spawned a new breed of authors and gurus more than happy to provide misleading and often downright fraudulent information by promising traders riches while making forex trading 'easy'.

Forex Supreme

Forex Supreme
Forex is a market that was created in 1971 when
international trade changed from fixed to floating exchange rates.
The Forex Currency exchange was the best way to control
currency because the market determines the value of one
countries currency over another. The main difference between a
countries traditional market and Forex is the amount of money
that exchanges hands on a daily basis. On an average day, it is
estimate that $300 billion dollars is exchanged in the world
securities market.

ForeX Trading for Maximum Profit

ForeX Trading for Maximum Profit

Forex Trading for Maximum Profit - The Best Kept Secret Off Wall Street

Work You Still Have To Do With The Forex Killer Calculator

Once a signal has been generated with the Forex Killer, you simply open a market order with the recommended stops and profit targets for the time frame you’re trading in. It can be from the weekly charts all the way down to even the 5 minute charts.

If you want more action, go down to a lower time frame. If you want to trade in a more relaxed manner, trade on a higher time frame.

While the Forex Killer is great to use for beginners, experienced traders will love using it to find trades into big killer trends. You could use Fibonacci Retracements and Expansions to find stop loss levels and potential profit targets, giving you larger profit targets and bigger profit potential.

Forex Killer definitely simplifies trading for those who want a mechanical trading system, while allowing experienced traders to enhance profit potential by adjusting profit targets in larger trends.

One of the best things about having the Forex Killer is you just pay a one-time fee to purchase the software (with lifetime free upgrades). You don’t have to pay monthly fees for subscriptions to trading signal providers anymore!

What is the Forex Killer Trading System?

Forex Killer is a trading software developed by Andreas Kirschberger that uses statistical analysis to come up with trades that give you the best probability of profits.

To find out if you have a trade, you simply just input the last 10 closing prices of whichever time frame you are trading in. Click on Calculate to get a trading signal, and the algorithm will give you one of the three following signals:

  1. Buy
  2. Sell
  3. No Trade

When you get the signal, you simply open a trade in the direction that Forex Killer tells you, place your stop loss and your profit target. All you have to do next is to trail your stops and wait till you hit your profit target or get stopped out!

Here are some trades that Forex Killer identified:

A signal to BUY was generated on the GBPUSD 4H chart, and after opening a trade you would have been taken on a hugely profitable trend for almost 300 pips profit!

Here’s what happened after the signal was given on the GBPUSD 4H chart:

The Forex Killer Forex Trading System

If you’re looking for an automated, forex trading signal generator that can help you improve your forex trading results, you’ve got to check out the Forex Killer Trading System.

One of the greatest problems that traders face is deciding when to enter a trade. This indecision as to whether the signal is “right” or “wrong” causes an incredible amount of uncertainty which can cause you to miss highly profitable trades!

With Forex Killer, you get a completely unbiased, automatic and mechanical trading signal generator that removes any uncertainty from taking a trade. This means you no longer will have to wonder “if only” you had taken that trade that blasted sky high into profits.

There’s no more guessing whether you should take a trade because your trading system is completely and totally generated by the Forex Killer software. It’s unemotional, it’s unbiased, and it can be highly profitable for you.

Whether you are a day-trader or position trader, the Forex Killer System works great in finding you profitable trades to take. With the probability calculator, you can decide to take only trades that have a 70% or higher chance of being profitable!

By doing so, you are already using statistical analysis to put the odds in your favor. It does mean you might have to pass on some signals, but hey, you can still confirm those lower probability trades with any other filters or indicators you have. However, Forex Killer already takes a major load of finding profitable trades off your back!

Emotions are a tough thing to conquer, and it’s the bane of many traders who could have gone on to make hundreds of thousands of dollars from trading the forex markets.

I’ve found that the Forex Killer can and does remove emotion and guesswork from trading, and when used right you can make hundreds of pips a month. Just check the trading results that Andreas and the Forex Killer team make every month!

With your purchase of Forex Killer, you get upgrades FREE for life. I’ve already upgraded my version twice, with improvements in the software each and every time.

Heiken Ashi Trading System

Heiken Ashi (or Heikin Ashi, Heikin-Ashi) is the method of representing the charts using the Japanese technique of the balanced bars. Compared to the traditional Japanese candlestick charts the Heiken Ashi charts are more easily read, provide clearer picture of the market and allow easy trend spotting. What is good about this method is that it’s included into the standard set of the MetaTrader 4 indicators. You can find it there under the Custom submenu. I won’t explain how to calculate those candlesticks here because MT4 does it all automatically for you and you don’t have to worry about how those candles are drawn. Here I will tell you how to use Heiken Ashi in trading the trends. You can see the example Heiken Ashi chart:

Forex: Keeping It Simple

Keeping everything simple is a nice strategy in almost all types of activities. Sometimes, simplicity is the only way to become profitable in the Forex trading. Of course, not everyone likes to keep everything simple and not everyone should do that. But simplifying some basic aspects of the Forex trading will help you to avoid unnecessary problems and complications:
Simple trading strategy can be as profitable as some really complex systems. By keeping your strategy simple you make it easier to follow and execute it. Adding complexity in the future can be your next level, but trading with a simple strategy is a very good way to start trading on Forex for real.
Try to follow a simple money management system — trading with a fixed percentage of your account equity is easy and effective. Martingale system isn’t simple and leads to losses. So, with money management simple is almost always good.
Fundamental analysis is a nice tool, but it’s better to avoid reacting on all fundamental news you hear. Keep it simple — select only really important releases or indicators and monitor them when you trade.
One of the best ways to simplify your Forex trading is to hold the open positions for a fixed amount of time. This way, your positions are limited not only with the stop-loss and take-profit levels, but also with the time limit. I prefer limiting them to 30, 60, 360 minutes and 1 week periods, depending on the particular strategy.
Try not to trade on currency pairs with the base currency different from the one, in which your account is founded. For example, if you trade USD/JPY, while your account is founded in USD, your profit or loss can’t be adequately measured, because it inversely depends on the USD/JPY rate.
Look for a Forex broker with the fixed spreads, because trading with the variable spreads can’t be easy. You can’t rely on your strategy, especially if it’s a short-term strategy, if you don’t know the spreads values for sure.
Some traders adore simple approaches to the market, while others hate everything that’s easily understood by high-school graduate and prefer complexity. If you think that you are the one from the first group, then this list will probably help you. If you know some other ways to simplify Forex trading, please, leave a comment to this post.

How Do Forex Brokers Make Money?

Many beginning Forex traders wonder how the Forex brokers earn their money on the common traders, if they are not casinos. Understanding the basic principles of the brokers’ economics will help traders to distinguish real Forex brokers from the «bucket shop» scams and the ethical companies from the unethical. Here is the list of the most common ways for the Forex broker to earn money:
Currency pair spreads. The largest source of income for the Forex brokers, spread is the difference between the Bid and Ask rates. Broker can execute your orders without a spread or with a minimal spread, earning the money that you lose for the spread.
Leveraged spreads. Spreads alone would be too small to be a significant earning source for the brokers. So, brokers offer high leverage. Of course it’s a great tool for multiplying your profit (and also losses), but the spreads are also leveraged. With 1:100 leverage, broker earns 100 times more on spreads than it would without the leverage.
Overnight swap spreads. Brokers pay the overnight swaps to the trader if the difference between the currency’s interest rates is positive in the trader’s position and get paid from the trader’s account if that difference is negative. But those payments are not symmetrical and they are changed so that the Forex broker would always get the advantage. When someone is selling 1 lot of EUR/USD and another trader is buying the same amount of that currency pair, the latter is earning money on overnight swaps, but the first one is losing the amount that is enough to compensate the second one’s earnings and to «feed» the broker.
Payment processing commission. On-line Forex brokers don’t charge commission per trade (except Islamic accounts) and often advertise that as a feature. But some brokers charge payment processing fees — they are deducted only when you deposit or withdraw money and usually are quite small and fixed in currency units, not percentage points. Of course, such commissions are too small to be a part of the broker’s profit, but they are enough to compensate at least a part of the broker’s expenses.
Trading against the trader. The most despised and unethical way the Forex broker can make money is to trade against its customers. And that’s the most profitable way too. Avoid the brokers that earn when you lose. If the spreads are too low, the leverage is insignificant, the overnight swaps are fair and there are no commissions (for payment processing and trading) then the broker is certainly trading against you to make money.

Double Impact of the Interest Rates on Forex

The interest rates, set by the world’s central banks, are widely used in the Forex trading. Their changes are monitored by the traders and investors because the interest rates determine the fundamental value of the currencies. It’s important for every Forex trader to understand the impact of the interest rates on the currencies he trades on. It’s easy to find the interest rate table to know their latest values, but how to interpret them?

In general, the higher the interest rate associated with the currency is, the better it’s for that currency. Higher interest rates attract investors, because they offer a higher yield. Forex traders prefer buying high-interest currencies versus the low-interest ones to gain the difference yield (such trading technique is called carry trade).

On the other hand, the lower interest rates are usually more popular among the traders when the global volatility rises and the world’s financial system experiences problems. The current financial crisis shows that the currencies with the lower yield are the favorites, because they are less risky than he high-yielding ones.

So what to do and how to react on the interest rates? The volatility index (VIX) is a good tool to measure the global interest rates preference. If it’s below the «normal» level of 30%, the high interest rates act as the attractors and the currencies that have high yield grow. If the index jumps up above that level, the traders prefer to move into the less risky assets and the low interest rate currencies gain.

Guidelines for Forex Trading I Follow

Forex trading may become a much easier activity if you follow your own or someone else’s well-formulated guidelines. I’ve based my guidelines on my past Forex trading experience and knowledge gained listening to some of the best stock and Forex traders. What’s important is that the guidelines are not the laws and rules — they are not the only way to success, they just help the traders in their endeavor. Here’s the list of my four Forex trading guidelines:
Risk only 3% of the total trading capital with each trade. Generally it’s quite hard to come up with the comfortable risk percentage value for your trades if you want to keep a good money management and still let your funds grow at a nice rate. For me 3% is the optimal level — safe enough to save and high enough to gain.
Reward-to-risk ratio should be no lower than 1. Many currency traders prefer trading with the ratio not less than 2 or even higher. That’s a problem of risk/gain balance too. For me the opportunities with the ratio above 2 are very rare — maybe, because I prefer high accuracy trades. If your accuracy rate is far from 90% than sticking to reward-to-risk ratio of 2 would probably be a better decision.
Don’t leave the positions open through the weekend. The weekly opening gap can be a killer. Don’t underestimate it. As a swing trader, I prefer to open my positions in the beginning of the week and I always close them before trading ends on Friday. The gap in the price rates that usually occurs after a weekend can make your stop-loss trigger far from the levels you planned it to.
Wait before opening a new order after you’ve just traded. If you jump into another position right after you closed or opened a previous order is a straight road to overtrading and an empty balance. I always wait some time analyzing opportunities and resting from the Forex market before setting up my next order. Maybe, for the extreme scalpers this isn’t a best decision, but for the absolute majority of the medium-term Forex traders it is.

In The Land Of Forex

In The Land Of Forex, Trend Is King

Those are the words i hold on to in forex. No matter what happen in technical or fundamental study. Always follow the trend. Trend is king. Follow the king and you will be rewarded handsomely.


When people say free forex signal, it refer to an instruction to trade specific currency pair at a certain price. Normally this signal is based on the trader study and experience. It is more of a personal view of things to come.

In certain cases the signal does work. In a different situation, it fails. This is because the person giving that signal is also a small trader. His study is based on either technical or fundamental with no real money to back it up. 

If that person is good, he will have enough followers and the total money traded towards his signal will back him up and make the currency move. If that person have very few followers, then he is swimming alone in a sea full of sharks.

That is what most of us do. We do not coordinate and we work alone in forex. Thats why the sharks are taking their time and making easy picking of us, swallowing one at a time. It doesnt sounds good but its the truth. Now you dont have to wonder why most people fails and why banks keep on making huge profit. 

If you want to take forex signal, take it from someone who you can trust from inside the banks. They have a lot more info and study on forex. The amount of info, knowlegde, manpower and money is impossible for any of us to compete. 

For some people who manage to find a method to be profitable in forex, its a good thing. You have found a way to take advantage of the system. The system after all is developed by human and human by itself is full of weaknesses.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Forex For The Future

A non-geographical, existential market, the foreign exchange market exists wherever one currency is traded for another. Far and above the largest market in the world, the $2 billion traded every day includes trading between large banks, individual investors, corporations, governments and various other institutions.Established in 1971, Forex trading has only recently become an individually traded market. Until the present time, only major institutions could trade on this market. Retail traders are currently a small, but constantly growing, part of the Forex.Ten years ago, the Wall Street Journal estimated the daily trading volume in the forex market to be in excess of $1 trillion. Today that figure has grown to exceed $1.8 trillion a day. Based on the Bretton Woods Agreement of 1945 aimed to stabilize international currencies and prevent money fleeing across nations, the U.S. dollar became fixed at a rate of $35 per ounce of gold.Thus, the gold standard was formed and Forex trading became a possibility. But only in 1971, when the Bretton Woods Agreement was abandoned, was the Forex market established. By 1973, major currencies became free to the push of supply and demand. The power of speculators came to be.With the advent of technological innovations like computers in the 1980's, money was soon able to be traded across time zones. Within minutes, like never before, massive amounts of currency could be exchanged. Today, London holds the world's largest international financial center and the major site for Forex trading.The interbank market is beneficial for both the major commercial turnovers and large amounts of purely speculative trading that takes place on an everyday basis. Some large banks trade billions of dollars daily. While some of that trading is on behalf of the bank's customers, much is for the bank's own account. Until recently, brokers on the market did most of the business of trading for a small fee, but now individual investor's can jump in on their own.The benefits of individual investors gaining hands-on access to Forex trading really came to be when the large inter-bank units began to offer small traders the opportunity to buy or sell smaller units (or lots) on their own.At present, the Forex market is appealing because of its massive trading volume, extreme liquidity, the number and variety of traders in the market, long trading hours, factors that affect the currency exchange rates and the geographical dispersion of the market.Between April 2005 and April 2006, Forex trading increase by 38 percent and has more than doubled since 2001. This can be attributed to the increasing importance of foreign currency exchange as an asset and an increase in fund management assets. Also, the vast array of execution venues, like Internet trading platforms, has also made it easier for retail traders to trade.In May 2006, a European exchange survey company found the top 10 investors in the Forex market were mostly American banks such as Bank of American and JP Morgan Chase, as well as international investors like Deutsch Bank and Barclays Capital.Trading on the foreign exchange market is up and coming

24-Hour Trading

Forex is a true 24 hour market, 5.5 days a week, which offers a major advantage over equities trading. Investors are able to trade at odd hours, thus allowing more flexibility for personal, business and social activities. Whether trading at 8am, 2pm, or even 2am, there will always be buyers and sellers actively trading foreign currencies. Such flexibility allows traders to immediately respond to breaking news and other political factors driving the market.

After hours trading in the equities market has several limitations. In the US, for example, equities traders have access to ECNs (Electronic Communications Networks), also known as “matching systems”. These networks are established to provide a method for equities traders to buy and sell amongst each other. Such networks are usually not able to offer as tight of spreads as would be offered during normal market hours, thus most trades are not executed at a fair market price, subsequently there is no guarantee that every trade will be executed.

Some Helpful Tips for Forex Trading

For someone who wants to get into the world of trade, forex trading is quite possibly the greatest way to approach a career in the field. Forex has shown that it is one of the biggest markets for trade around the globe with an average of 2 trillion dollars being moved on a daily basis. Someone with a desire for trading can really hit the numbers with forex trading. However, the forex game is not just about jumping in and hoping for fat pockets. There are many aspects that determine your prosperity in forex trading. Forex training will help you be prepared to play the currency market and avoid the common mistakes that many people make.

In terms of forex training, there are many mentors available for you. However, not many of them are in accordance with the context. If you are new to the forex trading game as well as the Internet itself, then it might be difficult for you to find the right forex training program. If you fit this category, then consider your options:

Choose a forex training program that attacks the forex trading fundamentals from the ground up. Fundamentals are useful for one to maintain a strong position in the market. Certain fundamental concepts should be kept in mind such as rollover, margin, bidding, order types, etc. Maintaining a solid comprehension about the basics of forex can assist you in managing all of your deeds without worry.

Besides fundamentals, one should also know about the mistakes that can easily be made by forex traders who are jumping into the market. A solid forex training program will be able to inform students of all the possible mistakes that can be made when trading in forex market. As soon as you know how to avoid these certain mistakes, you will have more confidence with your approach to forex trading.

When you do decide to check out a training course, make sure that you find one that is organized by a credible authority so that you can be certain that you will be able to avoid the common mistakes that many traders make.

Forex Trading Financial Business In China Soon To Get A Jumpstart

The Forex trading investment business of China's central government, China Investment Company Limited, is planning on starting operations sometime this week, according to China Securities Journal.
News sources in China also mentioned that a group of upper management associates from the company has also been created. This includes Hu Zuliu, who is the general manager of Goldman Sachs Group Limited.
Zuliu, who was not able to solidify the word that he was planning on joining the company, mentioned to media sources that professional, commercial and independent business is vital to the creation of the new company. China Investment Company Ltd should be dedicated to investing in the portfolios worldwide, which includes bonds, stocks, commodity futures, as well as other assets.
The country (China) should begin to set a feasible, practical projection for the return rate on investments. The goal should not be too ambitious, considering that the human resources and risk management are not set in stone yet, according to Zuliu.
Hu Zuliu made a prediction that the whole investment group might need to have one hundred to two hundred investment experts and roughly one thousand employees.
The forex reserve of China had reached 1.33 trillion U.S. dollars at the end of June.
CONGRATULATIONS & HALLELUJAH - The answer to a trader's prayer! This is without a doubt the most powerful system in the world for reducing the amount of risk associated with Forex Trading.

Interested In Online Trading? Talk To Your Local Forex Broker and Get Started ASAP!

People in several different countries have recently become more interested in the Forex trading game, but with one difference. The difference is that these people are trading online, which allows them to work with U.S. currency instead of their native currency.

Online forex trading has been used in other countries for quite some time now and although the rewards can be great, there is also some risk involved. Before jumping into online trading, traders are recommended to first speak with an advisor or an expert to learn how everything works. If someone is taught well, then they can supposedly profit with numbers as high as 5,000 dollars per day. However, these numbers depend on how much money is invested and how much risk is taken.

To educate those who are unfamiliar with the game, Forex trading basically involves buying and selling different currencies from various nations around the world. Within this market, there is an approximate turnover of 2 trillion dollars each day. All trading is done electronically with the help of an international network that includes worldwide banks, national banks, individual traders, governments, and several other players. If you are a retail trader, then you can make trades with the help of a Forex broker. However, in some countries a broker can be hard to come across.

The Forex market first started back in 1971 and it started to grow at a steady pace throughout the rest of the decade. Thanks to modern technology, Forex trading has gone from a 70 billion dollar per day market to 2 trillion dollars per day. A lot of the major centers for trading are New York, London, Tokyo and Singapore. It is open Monday through Friday, 24 hours per day. For more information, speak with an expert in Forex trading or a Forex broker.

CONGRATULATIONS & HALLELUJAH - The answer to a trader's prayer! This is without a doubt the most powerful system in the world for reducing the amount of risk associated with Forex Trading.

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Learn about making easy money from home with currency exchange using FOREX INVESTING.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007 Japanese Investors Want A Piece Of The Forex Market

Investors and financial backers from Japanese retail companies are now jumping into the forex market even though there was a recent major surge of the yen when compared to the U.S. dollar.

For most forex traders, this change in the value of the yen against the dollar has been a wake up call. There is a large amount of traders who have their life savings invested in the market and the thought of losing it all in a heartbeat can be very nerve-racking.

Research data from Yano Research Institute has recently shown that the amount of forex trading accounts nearly doubled in 2006 with a total of 644,802. Data from Yano also mentioned that this number is supposed to increase another sixty-two percent by March of 2008.

Surprisingly, the jump for the Yen has not scared away most traders because they are playing the market to get long-term results. Junichi Katsuno, who represents Himawari Shoken in its financial markets division, mentioned that, "There are many people who take a long-term view and are waiting to buy [dollars]." He also added, "There aren't that many people who expect the yen to strengthen that much more."

CONGRATULATIONS & HALLELUJAH - The answer to a trader's prayer! This is without a doubt the most powerful system in the world for reducing the amount of risk associated with Forex Trading.

The hottest new investment concept of the decade has arrived!
-Simple, easy affordable web-based software.
-No trading experience necessary - has novices trading within hours.
- No charts/graphs/research/guesswork, etc...
- Outstanding company/member support
Learn about making easy money from home with currency exchange using FOREX INVESTING.

Forex Market News: U.S. Dollar Showing A Little Strength

United States currency boosted a little bit next to other big currencies in Syndey during morning trade today after its overnight drop. Not to mention, this rise occurred despite the Dow dropping almost two percent due to some uneasy issues regarding financial markets & credit.

However, the dollar is still weak next to the euro, yen and sterling while the Industrial Average for the Dow Jones decreased by 237.44 points. Unfortunately, this is a result of some not-so-good news coming from Citigroup and HSBC Holdings. Citigroup Inc. is apparently looking at some major losses in regards to credit in the fourth quarter of this fiscal year and as a result there might be a handful of lay-off's that could follow.

If you wish to look at things in a more positive light, then keep in mind that early this morning one greenback was buying 107.43 yen, in contrast to last night's New York trade value of 107.32 yen.

"A drop in U.S. equity markets late in the afternoon prompted a mass liquidation of yen carry trades, knocking all primary crosses lower, and taking US dollar/yen down to fresh session lows into the close," mentioned Peter Whitley. Whitley is an analyst at Thomson International Financial Review.

Plenty of tourists are coming across the Atlantic and spending their much-valued Euros around New York City and other surrounding metropolitan areas. This can be great for business-owners and retailers in the United States, but what kind of effect do you think this will have on the forex market in the long run?

Information About Choosing Forex Software

If you are going to jump into the online Forex trading game then make sure that you have software that will not let you down. It is important to have a platform that gives you correct information about prices and makes Foreign exchange trades fast and with ease. The 2 types of Forex software that are available are those that are web-based and those that are client-based.

Also be sure that you have a fast Internet connection because this market moves pretty quickly. If you are using a dial-up connection and want to do online forex trading, then think again.

Client-based software is just as good as any other but it can only be accessed on the computer that you install it to. The advantage of using web-based software is that you can use it on any computer with the simplicity of logging onto a server. This type of software is also more secure and is less likely to acquire viruses.

Always be certain that the software you choose provides quotes in real time and that it has the capability of buying and selling with speed. Also be sure that your software is always up-to-date, because even the smallest change in the program can make a difference in how well you trade.

It is recommended that beginners first learn the market and take small risks to become familiar with it. Once you are certain that you want to play the game, then find the software that is right for you and start to get serious. Always remember that it takes money to make money, so do not enter the market with hesitant feeling

What Is The Forex Investment Association?

mportant regulatory group that you may want to know about if you are going to start playing the forex market.

The Forex Investment Association is an organization specifically for those who invest in and play the forex market. It is a not-for-profit group and it is self-regulating. It is also recognized as a representative body with carefully considered privileges from the FSB, or the Financial Services Board. The Forex Investment Association works with the Financial Services Board in order to properly register and provide licenses to service providers who have a position in the forex industry.

Their basic goal is to provide an environment where traders can enter the market safely and invest their money without risk. They also strive to have advisors who are knowledgeable in their field as well as experienced traders who can help maintain a stable market.

The FIA welcomes new members and invites people to register with them but unfortunately their website is not capable of doing so yet. Visit to read more about the FIA, and check the site periodically until they have updated their registration pages.

Great Forex Blog For News Updates

I know it seems strange that I am telling you about a different forex blog that you should visit, but it is smart to have several different references. This market is rapidly changing and in order to stay on top of it you must get information from multiple places.

This particular blog, which is rather easy to find, is located at They are constantly updating their front page with forex news and they even have a nice little forex newsletter that you can sign up for. Another great thing about this blog is that they have a separate menu where you can choose which type of currency you want to read about.

I suggest that you not only look at the recent news that this blog has to offer, but also dig through some of their archives. It is good to look at historical trends and data in order to fully understand how this market works. It is also a good way to stay on your toes so that you can begin to foreshadow what may or may not happen in the future. Once again, the website URL is and you should check it out when you have a chance.

Basic Things To Know About Forex Options

Occasionally I will post some things that are intended for those who are getting started in Forex trading, because there are plenty of beginners out there who still need to know the basics.

Over at there is a very informative article that will help clarify the difference between traditional forex options and alternative options. The main advantage of trading options is that they limit the amount of risk that one takes and increase the potential for profit.

The first type, which is call/put, is an option that gives the buyer the opportunity to purchase with no obligation whatsoever. The only risk involved with this type of option is the loss of the premium (in the case that the forex value drops below the original price).

The other type, which is SPOT (single payment options trading), works a little differently. In this case, a trader will create a scenario where a certain currency value will change in a certain amount of time. If the scenario successfully takes place, then the forex option is automatically changed into a cash payout.

Check out the article by visiting Options are a great way to play the game without risking your entire savings, so be sure to do your research and start enjoying forex options with your fellow traders.

Forex Trading Education Articles

Before you take a look at this website that I found, remember to keep an open mind and to not believe everything that you read. The site that I found has a decent list of articles that relate to forex trading education, and it is safe to say that most of the information is valid. However, in this game it is important to do extensive research so that you can make smart decisions with your money. Once you find that certain information is consistent, then you can start to put a little more faith into it.

Some of these articles break down forex trading to its basics, while others put more emphasis on certain parts of the game. For example, there are at least three articles that are considered "quick forex guides" while there are some other articles that explain specifics such as choosing a broker, swing trading strategies, mapping time frames, and more.

The articles located at this website are great for beginners who have not yet invested any money into the forex market, but would like to educate themselves first. Most veteran traders will already be familiar with the strategies presented in these articles but it still cannot hurt to take a look at them. Visit and begin the learning process.

A Global Market

The example above illustrates foreign currency trading in basic terms as it relates to world travelers. However, the market is also utilized globally by each country's central bank (i.e., America's Federal Reserve), investment and commercial banks, fund management firms (mutual funds and hedge funds), major corporations, and individual investors or speculators. Depending on the timing of such transactions, purchasing a currency with the intent of later selling it at a better exchange rate (and vice versa) can potentially yield profits for investors, of course there is a strong potential for loss trading currencies as well.

Why Trade the Forex Market

Trading the Forex market has become very popular in the last years. Technology advances like the internet have spawned this new trading craze, where anyone with a secure internet connection prepared to undertake a small amount of training can engage in trading foreign exchange on the forex market. Before the Internet, only corporations and wealthy individuals could trade currencies in the Forex market through the use of proprietary trading systems of banks, often through private banking. The foreign exchange market is one of the largest in the world if not the largest. It is more than 3 times larger than the stock/equities market and more than 5 times bigger than futures, give Forex traders nearly unlimited liquidity and flexibility. It has been estimated that approximately $2 trillion USD of currency exchanges hands each and every day. The foreign currency markets are very liquid because worldwide, the most powerful international banks provide a market around the clock. The Global foreign exchange market daily averages of the Bank for International Settlements in 1998 were $660 billion and now have increased to $2.3 trillion (2006). There is really no insider information in the forex markets. Since exchange rates are calculated by actual money flow as well as by the outlook of financial flowage, which takes into consideration such things as inflation, GDP changes, trade and budget deficits and surpluses, as well as interest rates, it would be difficult to come across so-called 'insider information'. All of these factors are self-evident, though different projected outlooks may prove more accurate than others. There is less room for market manipulation is there may be for thinly traded stocks. A equally important property of forex market is the fact that trends in forex market last longer and are more clearly defined than in any other trading instrument. Analysis of forex market charts also often displays identifiable chart patterns of price movement and once a pattern is established, the trend or pattern becomes the most probable course of future price action until the market changes. Because the FOREX market is so huge, there is no possibility of someone controlling the market price for a long time. When there are a lot of buyers and a lot of sellers, you can expect to buy or sell at a price that is very close to the last market price. The market maker in the forex market is usually a bank or brokerage company that provides during the trading day a bid and ask price. Example of forex market makers include CMS Forex, GFS, Forex, Forex Capital Markets (FXCM), and Global Forex Trading, all of which are regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) of the USA. Brokers offer clients access to online FX trading system, platform or software that can make it easy and fun to trade the market and usually there are usually no commission charges. With these trading systems and platforms you can trade the forex markets for free using the same state-of-the-art software packages that professional Forex traders use to help them make real-time, live currency trades. So individuals with a few hundreds of their own currency hope to buy and sell something for a smiling profit. Speculators trade to make a profit by purchasing one currency and simultaneously selling another. In conclusion I think the FOREX market is one of the best investment opportunities around today. There are great opportunities in the FOREX market because of the constant movements of the exchange rates. There is no surprise that more and more traders are turning to the foreign currency market to take advantage of the fluctuation in exchange currency rates as a way to speculate and trade to increase their capital and wealth.

Trading By forex

Although it has been some years since I was actively involved in trading, I have just returned to the markets and have begun to trade a small account on my own behalf. This has perhaps given me a slightly skewed perspective of the markets, almost like a new entrant, but one with a lot of experience.There have been some big changes whilst I have been inactive, not least in the number of online brokerages fighting for every dollar.But many things stay the same, at the heart of which is one, I guess, unbreakable truth. Trading is basically a very simple business, with any trading stocks, options, FOREX, whatever only really involving three steps:1. Find several possible trades evaluate them and decide which to go for,2. Calculate how much to trade, and decide at what points to enter and exit the market3. Keeping an eye on, or monitoring, open market positionsNow, these three steps were basically all there was to it a few years ago, and they still And, guess what, people are still getting totally bogged down right here, at this early stage of the trading process, generally, for one of two reasons.The first possible reason is that they simply are not aware that these are the steps involved in the trading process, or (the second reason) they have no clearly defined rules for actioning these steps. Thus, less experienced, more nervous, traders can often take hours to evaluate a small number of potential trades.Experienced day traders, on the other hand, are fully aware that, with little time available to execute their trading, they must have a process plan and they must stick to it.
A day trader will set out his (or her) plan of action something like this:1. Recognize the opportunity, enter the market2. Stay in the trade for as long as possible if it is going for him or3. Get the heck out of there with minimum losses, as soon as it is clear it is going to go the wrong wayThat s it! That s essentially what a day trader in any market was doing years ago, and that is what a day trader is still doing today, with little or no change to their working practices brought about by the vastly more advanced technology of today.Savvy day traders learn very quickly that they must plan ahead of time, so that they are in prime position to take full advantages of the opportunities that occur in real time.Thus, day trading, which on paper at least is a pretty dangerous and risky manner of working markets is, in fact, one of the most disciplined trading schools! By the nature of market movements and the way they operate, day traders simply cannot afford to run their trading business on a wing and a prayer!