Friday, May 22, 2009

Blade Forex Strategies

Want to learn blade forex strategies? Are you struggling to make a decent buck in the forex market? Have you heard about Dean Saunders powerful blade forex strategies? Well today's your lucky day! Today I'm going to talk about Dean Saunders, creator of the highly popular 'Daily Swing System' and 'Easy News Trader' to bring you a new revolutionary forex trading package… Its unlike anything I have ever seen before. Introducing: "The Blade Forex Strategies"

Blade Forex Strategies

You can begin a profitable trading career starting today and learn 3 simple step by step forex strategies which will enable you to constantly cut pips out of the forex market every day. This is what Mark McRae of Sure Fire Trading Fame has to to say about Dean Saunders Blade Forex Strategies: 

" Have you ever downloaded something and somehow you find yourself reading part 12 instead of part one of a course or you are watching a video and halfway through you realize this must be the middle one in the sequence. Buy One, Get One Free! Anyway, I downloaded a Forex course the other day and there were a couple of folders so I just did my usual thing and started clicking.

Within minutes I was reading this really cool technique for trading the news, nothing fancy but it kicks out on average 263 pips a month. Then it suddenly dawned on me I wasn't even reading the course, I was reading the bonus material. When I opened the main course I was very impressed. I would have been happy with just the bonus because as we both know you can wade through loads of books and not find even one decent idea. Three Forex Strategies.

Blade Forex Strategies

When I did open the main course there were actually three strategies. All of them good and all of them simple. I always like the idea of simple forex strategies because there is less to break. Of the three I liked the M5 Scalping Strategy and the 4H Breakout Strategy. Deans original three forex strategies are highly recommended. 

I just chatted with Dean Saunders the forex trader I mentioned to you. It was a very interesting chat. I told him I was very impressed with his Forex strategies but I wanted to know what one he thought was the best or that he preferred. This is what he said! I trade all of the forex strategies but my favorite is the 4H Breakout Strategy. If a trader needs a strategy then this should be it. The 4H Breakout Strategy is my bread and butter strategy, over the years it has proven to consistently provide me with an enormous amount of profits."

Blade Forex Strategies

Dean shows you 3 amazing forex strategies with real life step-by-step examples, each strategy built to cut pips out of the market every day with a huge winning edge and small drawdown. Inside this revolutionary package you will discover guarded secrets used by professionals to pull hard cash out of the market every day. To see countless real life examples of trades taken go here:

Blade Forex Strategies

As if all this wasn’t enough Dean has gone above and beyond and is offering 2 of his other highly acclaimed trading strategies normally selling at Over $200 as free gifts for the first 50 orders!… But If you want to take advantage of Deans offer you need to hurry! Last time I checked the free gifts were only available for the next 39 copies!

Forex Call Options

Here's the guide on Forex Options Trading you needed to know:

What are Forex Call Options?
A forex option gives you the right but not the obligation to buy or sell a currency pair at a certain price on a certain date. The certain price in this case is called the 'strike price'. That is the option gives you the flexibility of choosing where you want to buy or sell the currency pair. The certain date in this case is called the 'expiry' or the expiration date of the option.

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

If you think that the market is going to go up then you would buy a call option. Likewise, if you think that the market is heading down, you would buy a put option. The seller (or "writer") of the forex call option is obligated to sell the currency pair should the buyer so decide. The buyer of the call option pays a fee (called a premium) for this right. The buyer of forex call options wants the price of the chosen currency pair to rise in the future; the seller either expects that it will not, or is willing to give up some of the upside (profit) from a price rise in return for the premium (paid immediately) and retaining the opportunity to make a gain up to the strike price.

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

Forex call options are most profitable for the buyer when the price of the chosen currency pair has moved up past the strike price greatly. When the price of the chosen currency pair surpasses the strike price at the time of expiration, the option is said to be "in the money". When the price of the chosen currencystays at or around the strike price at the time of expiration, the option is said to be "at the money". When the price of the chosen currency pair goes under the strike price at the time of expiration, the option is said to be "out of the money".

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

However, to be truly profitable, the gains resulting from the upward movement must also cover the cost of buying the forex call option (premium paid). For example, if the cost (premium) of buying a call option expiry in 1 week's time is 120 pips then the chosen currency pair must move upwards more than 120 pips past the strike price. If it rises 300 pips above the strike price by expiration your profit would be (300 pips - 120 pips) 180 pips!

Forex Put Options

What is a Forex Put Options? A forex put option gives you the right but not the obligation buy or sell a currency pair at a certain price on a certain date. The certain price in this case is called the 'strike price'. That is the option gives you the flexibility of choosing where you want to buy or sell the currency pair. The certain date in this case is called the 'expiry' or the expiration date of the option.

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

If you feel that the market is going to go down greatly then you would buy a put option. Likewise, if you think that the market is trending up, you would then buy a call option. The buyer of the put option pays a fee (called a premium) for this right as the buyer expects the price of the chosen currency pair to drop in the future while the seller expects that it will not.

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

Forex put options can only make profits for the buyer if the price of the chosen currency pair has moved down past the strike price greatly. When the price of the chosen currency pair falls past the strike price at the time of expiration, the put option is said to be "in the money". When the price of the chosen currency stays at or around the strike price at the time of expiration, the put option is said to be "at the money". When the price of the chosen currency pair goes above the strike price at the time of expiration, the put option is said to be "out of the money".

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

Please note that the gains resulting from the downward movement must also cover the cost of buying the forex put options (premium paid) to be profitable. For example, if the cost (premium) of buying forex put options expiring in 1 week's time is 135 pips then the chosen currency pair must move downwards more than 135 pips past the strike price. If it falls 250 pips below the strike price by expiration your profit would be (250 pips - 135 pips) 115 pips!

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

Forex Options Trading can be a very good trading model for people who want to create wealth through Forex Trading. What you need is a right system, the willingness to work and determination to not give until you reach your goal. If you are willing to take action, then this Forex Options Trading is suitable for you.

Meet The Stock Market Wizard

Meet the stock market wizard! In 2007, he produced an astonishing 4,700% cumulative return trading options. In 2008, he made 44 successful trades in a row in one of his advisory services. And so far for 2009, even in one of the worst market environment in decades, he has made money on 25 out of 30 trades... with 24 of those trades producing double-digit percentage gains! (Around 55.2% per trade, with an average hold time of 10 days). 

With his 2009 trades so far, you could have doubled your money every 30 days or so. Who is this "Stock Market Wizard" creating these eye-opening gains? It's none other than Ian Cooper, Senior Options Strategist for Options University Strategist service. Members of Options University Strategist were treated with those 2009 trades. Would you like to be part of that? Well, here's how...

It's to announce a special webinar with Ian to be held next Monday at noon EDT. And I'll say right now...You do not Want To Miss This Particular Webinar! That's because Ian will reveal the exact criteria he uses to pinpoint the candidates for these market-slaying gains. On this exciting webinar, you'll discover:

* The 8 criteria Ian looks for to find huge gainers (you've probably heard of all of them, but the right combination can mean supersized gains for your portfolio)
* The 4 most important criteria out of the 8 (the ones most crucial to judge direction and gauge trends) 
* Why it's dangerous to use these indicators by themselves as buy or sell signals, the way lots of other traders do (you'll learn the proper combination to produce maximum gains while minimizing risk)* The 4 most important candlestick reversal signals 
* Why the popular saying "Any company news is already priced into the stock" is a total myth, and how to exploit the news for big gains (with two examples of a recent mega-trades, one up 338% in just 6 days of trading, and the other rocketing from $1.40 to $2.50 in one day) 
* ... and much more If you would like to discover how a true "Stock Market Wizard" finds these home-run trades... Register and attend our special Monday noon webinar and you'll see what I'm talking about. Here's the link again to register: 

Meet The Stock Market Wizard

Prepare to have your eyes opened to new possibilities of making big money in good markets and bad! Trade Smart. Not Often. Wouldn't you like to know how a true "Stock Market Wizard" ferrets out some of the market's biggest gainers... Before they skyrocket in price? Then don't miss this special webinar next Monday with Ian Cooper. Here's that web page again for more information...

Forex Options Greeks

What are forex options greeks? Forex options are calculated with 'Greeks'. A basic explanation of these 'Greeks' will help you understand how and why the forex options move and behave in a certain way. As I had said in my previous post, Forex Options Trading is one of the best ways for wealth creation. The good thing with forex options is that they allow you to control a large amount of currency with a small investment called options premium. You pay the premium to buy forex options. So how much you lose if the anticipated price action does not takes place: only the small premium.

This makes forex options very powerful tools in your trading arsenal. If you can see a trend developing in a currency, you can use forex options to make windfall profits with that trend. This is what George Soros had done in 1992 when he betted heavily on British Pound (GBP) losing its value using forex options and broke the Bank of England. He had made more than $1 Billion profit in a few days with forex options on GBP and Deutsche Marks. Warren Buffet is also known to trade in forex options from time to time when the time is opportune. Forex options trading coupled with forex spot trading can be a powerful combination. The same things apply when you do the technical analysis for both.

A forex option is a derivative whose value depends on the underlying currency pair and how it's value is derived is from a formula that combines these Greeks together. The Greeks are how these options respond to various factors such as price movement, time decay, volatility, and interest rates. There are 5 Greeks involved and we go through them one by one.

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

Delta: The speed of the forex option's price gain or loss against the gain or loss of the underlying currency is known as the Delta. The Delta is a figure that shows us how fast or slow the forex option will move relative to the underlying currency. A Delta of 1 means the forex option price is moving at the same speed and direction as the underlying currency. A Delta of -1 means the option price is moving in the opposite direction for every point the underlying currency moves. In simple terms, Delta tells how much forex options premium changes in pips with the change in the currency pair pips.

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

The probability of a forex option expiring in-the-money is also expressed in the Delta. An at the money forex call option has a Delta of 0.5; i.e., 50%, meaning a 50% chance of expiring in the money. A deep in the money call will have a Delta of near 1, or 100%, meaning a near 100% chance of expiration in the money. A very out-of-the-money call option will have a Delta of close to zero, meaning a near zero chance of expiring in the money.

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

Gamma: Gamma is derived from Delta is the odds of a change in Delta. It also informs in advance if the Delta could be changing. Gammas are positive for both the call and put options. When forex options are deep in the money or deep out of the money, the Gammas will be near zero as the probability of a change in Delta are very low. Likewise at strike price the Gamma would likely to
be the highest.

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

Theta: Time decay is reflected in the forex option price as Theta. Forex Options bought have negative Theta, which means that each day you do not sell that option, the time value is declining because of the time decay. In this case, time decay is making it worse for the buyer of the option, the forex option is losing its value. When you sell forex options, Theta is positive, meaning that time decay is good for the forex option seller.

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

Vega: How volatility affects the forex option pricing is reflected in Vega. In other words, its sensitivity to volatility. Forex Options tend to have price increases when the underlying currency's volatility increases. In this case, volatility is good for the buyer of a forex option and bad for the seller of a forex option. Vega is positive for long forex option and negative for short forex option.

Rho: Rho is how interest rates affect the pricing of the the forex option. When interest rates are high and it is good for the position, Rho will be positive. If interest rates are high but bad for the forex option position, Rho will be negative.

Forex Options Non Direction Trading

The proliferation of online brokerage firms combined with low commission costs has empowered the average retail investor to navigate the options market like never before. Despite their reputation for being risky and difficult to master, forex options can present a unique advantage to the individual trader. They provide increased cost efficiency and are not as risky as equities. Forex Options can also offer higher percent returns than stocks and strategic alternatives.

Learn Forex Nitty Gritty

Why you need to learn forex nitty gritty? Because most of the traders jump into forex trading without mastering the forex nitty gritty and fail. Why do most forex traders fail? According to studies, over 90% of forex traders fail. You may ask if there is any reason for anyone to join the hordes of traders in the financial market, especially knowing that alongside the popularity of forex trading are fraudulent offers from fly-by-night firms. But those who have serious interest on investing must fret not. There are successful traders who can testify on how trading can double their earnings in a span of a year.

Learn Forex Nitty Gritty

Nonetheless, it is not true that foreign currency trading is easy money. Now Forex Nitty Gritty is a monthly subscription service started by the veteran forex trader Bill Poulos. Those who succeed in forex trading have invested a lot not only on their accounts but on education as well. Forex Nitty Gritty can provide you with excellent forex education. Although information on currency trading is available everywhere on the internet, the saying that you really have to pay for quality education still applies.

Learn Forex Nitty Gritty

On an average, learning forex nitty gritty and how to trade effectively may cost about $4000. This includes training courses that utilize videos, software and spread-betting accounts. All that is needed to learn about the financial market should be absorbed entirely before you can even start trading with a demo account. But Forex Nitty Gritty is a low cost service that won't cost much to you. Bill has developed many successful forex trading courses like the Forex Profit Accelerator and the Forex Income Engine costing thousands of dollars. Recently Bill launched his latest product Forex Nitty Gritty, a low cost product that anyone can join and test.

Learn Forex Nitty Gritty

But this is not all. Learning forex nitty gritty require time and practice on your part. Most traders who fail are those who entered the market using real money at the wrong time. Using a demo account for a few months before trading with real money shall equip you with the right experience in order to succeed in trading. One must practice a single strategy and stick to that system up to the time when you are all set for trading with real money. How many times have you thought, "If I knew then what I know now..."

Well...If I could travel back in time, I'd go back to the day I first heard the word "Forex" and secretly hand my younger self a copy of the Forex training videos that I recently got my hands on that SPECIFICALLY show you how to:

* Skip through all the boring theory & teach you the "must know" foundations of successful Forex trading...

* Reveal a "no-brainer", simple yet deadly effective Forex trading method that you can use to up your odds of success again & again...

* Master the discipline & psychology of Forex trading so you can place trades as if you had "ice in your veins"...

* and a ton more crucial Forex insider concepts that take most traders years (& lots of lost trades) to discover...

It would have saved me years of grief...There's nothing I can do about that now; but if you're like most traders and are still struggling to make consistent gains in the Forex markets, you can avoid all the mistakes most traders make if you just spend an evening or two watching these training videos. I let you know about them yesterday, but I just wanted to give you a courtesy reminder that for a while longer, you can still get them and:

Forex Triad Trading

Have you got your Forex Triad Trading yet? Jason Fielder reveals a "New Style" Forex Triad Trading that puts traders in the top 1%. Just listen to what Mark McRae, a veteran forex trader better known for his famous sure fire forex trading course has to say about the Forex Triad Trading: "If you are still interested in the Forex Triad trading then you should know there are only 24 hours left until they close their doors. Shock & Awe Video...

Forex Triad Trading

I was impressed with the "Shock & Awe Video". I watched on Jason Fielder's website. He must be doing something right because some very serious traders have got behind him. Just remember that even though there is hypothetically 24 hours left, there are in fact only 56 copies (as of this writing). That means all the copies could go even before the 24-hour deadline.

Forex Triad Trading

I think Jason has gone a long way to prove that his forex system is legit. He gave away two reports that were better than some courses I have seen and held a webinar to answer people's questions. OK, here's a quick summary of the Forex Triad Trading and what you get:

- The "Money Zone", a specific area around where you enter the market ... where you place your profit target and your safety exit for maximum profit.

- How to master this new technology in the shortest time possible.

- Why as a "beginner", you're able to use Forex Triad to quickly surpass experienced traders ... even if you don't spend years learning! In fact, the less you understand about what the "experts" try to tell you, the faster you'll be capturing gains and making the kind of cash you could only dream about!

- How to master Forex faster than anything else you've ever attempted. Even if you know nothing about investing! 

- A clever "Mechanic's Guide" to finding multiple quick winners! Get ready for a graduate class in Advanced Short-Term Forex. This will rock your world.

- The "correct" way to enter the market ... which instantly "nails down" your accuracy. The more laser-like your entries and exits, the more exact your targets and odds of reaching them will be.

- Triad gives you the precision of a heat-seeking missile on a cash making rampage! Just think about how much fun you'll have hitting the market like a pro and cleaning up on the maximum revenues possible!

- Puts you smack inside the same "High Profit Making Zone", this is how the best pros get into trades that are the most consistent, no stress and deadly perfect trades humanly possible ... EVERY TIME YOU TRADE!

- It's very quick to learn the Forex Triad trading formula. You'll zoom through it in about the time it takes to watch a couple of Simpson's episodes. 

- It's PACKED with specific pro-level skills that you will learn without even knowing you're learning them! How? Because he's a sneaky teacher. The Frankenstein lessons have been constructed to stuff incredible Forex skills directly into your brain. 

- Your new super-polished skills will automatically show up in your bank account on the very first big-win! Plus, these skills will be there for you forever... allowing you to start out each new session with awesome accuracy, precision, and gains ... and just continue to get better each and every time!"

Forex Triad Trading

Is the Triad Trading any good? I believe it is. Well I sure didn't expect this! But yesterday Jason Fielder himself contacted me and let me know the demand was SO high for Forex Triad AFTER it closed, they were "strong armed" into hiring 2 new staff members to keep up with the high level of support they are committed to providing. Because of the additional staff members that were hired, and the FAR higher than expected demand, Jason just told me he is releasing 200 more copies of Forex Triad. 

Forex Triad Trading

They are now able to support more traders which was the limitation to releasing more copies last week.But...And this is a big but...The OTHER reason they are releasing more copies is because of the crazy demand that has not subsided since they closed last Friday. How do they judge this demand? Simple, they have a "Waiting List" on the original order page, and you won't believe how many traders have already signed up...Over 943! Remember only 200 are available, and they won't last long once they are released... At exactly Noon EST tomorrow, Thursday May the 14th:

Forex Triad Trading

So go register now, and get on the early bird list so you can grab your copy when they go on sale. After this time, the doors won't re-open. Do the math-- there are 943 people on the waiting list. And there are only 200 Triads being made available. There is no risk and, and they even brought back those amazing bonuses as well that are featured in a video here:

The Forex Avenger System

The Forex Avenger system is the only thing traders are talking about right now. I have never recommended anything that has had so much excitement around it. This doesn't surprise me because the forex avenger system really is a great system. I also found a couple of videos with live trades using the forex avenger system. This might explain why traders are going hysterical right now. You can see those trades here:Forex Avenger SystemIs the forex avenger system hype or is this the real deal? I think it's the real deal. I know there are a few guys who are trading this now and they all seem to have come to the same conclusion - this is good. The forex avenger system has probably had more real life, in the trenches testing than anything else out there. Here's a quick recap: If you want to see testimonials about the Forex Avenger system or if you want to see an example of a live trade or the results of his test account, go here:Forex Avenger SystemIs it just my imagination, or is the whole trading community going mad over the Forex avenger system. Most of the comments I have had from the traders who got a copy, have been great. They have been very happy with the forex avenger system. They were particularly impressed by the simplicity of how it works. I know this is true, because I have seen the system myself. One question that seems to be popping up is if this is a trading robot. I'm not sure why there is confusion about this, but let me clarify this. The Forex Avenger system is mechanical. What that means is, if you give 10 people the system they should all get the same results. All 10 traders, should take the same trades, at the same time, and get the same results.Forex Avenger SystemNow, depending on how long you have been trading. You will know just how hard it is to achieve. There are traders who have been working on mechanical trading systems for years. It's actually, a very rare beast. I'm not going to harp on about this but this is the best mechanical trading system I have seen in years. It's simple to learn, simple to trade and produced fantastic results. The strange fact is this how a completely self-taught trader ignored everything the so-called "Experts" teach...And stumbled on the ONE SECRET that instantly made him a full-time income. If you could push a button and cash automatically filled your trading account, how many times would you push that button? There's a trader from the U.K. who even the gurus are talking about. Why would one of the top traders in Forex give another trader $50,000 to trade for him? He has caused such a stir that one of the top traders challenged him to trade one of his accounts as a test. The results where so impressive that not only did he allow him to continue trading, but he added to the account.Forex Avenger SystemIt's not often you hear about a mechanical system in Forex that works. If it really is mechanical then you just follow the rules and watch the bank account. It's not that easy, right? Well, maybe and maybe not. We all want an easy solution, but one guy may have actually found it. He was so determined to get out of his dead end job in a supermarket, that he studied every minute he had until he cracked the code.Forex Avenger SystemHe knew the secret to making it big in Forex was to invent something so simple, so easy to use and so dependable that he would never need to worry about bills again. He intuitively knew the only way to do this was to make a set of simple rules that could be followed like a machine. It took him eight long years and countless sleepless nights, but he finally did it, and he called it the "Forex Avenger" system. A Step-by-Step, Easy To Follow,Proven Mechanical Trading System===========================Until recently, very few people even knew who this trader was. Once word leaked out about his astonishing discovery, they nicknamed him Mr. X. It wasn't until he was challenged to trade a live account that his name finally broke. What fascinated everyone about his discovery were some simple truths:Truth #1 - The Forex Avenger system is totally mechanical.Truth #2 - You can't make a mistake. You just follow the rules.Truth #3 - The Forex Avenger systemrules are easier than the instructions on a microwave meal.Once you have placed your trade, there is nothing else for you to do. In fact, there's nothing you can do. You can switch off your computer and go do something else. Watching the computer won't change the outcome. Forex Avenger SystemHe Let Him Trade His Account===========================It's easy for anyone to make claims. That's why he gave him a test. He personally gave him one of his accounts to trade. He started him off with just under $10,000, just to see if he was for real. Once he saw just how well he was doing, he immediately increased that to $50,000. Hopefully by now you will have seen the video of his account and how he made me over 26.18% in one month. Mr. X was given $50,000 to trade in a live account, and this video shows the results of his trading. Even with all the market turbulence, he is still making money. His proven, simple, mechanical system just seems to work in any market conditions. He is also finally unmasked with this video. We finally find out his real name as one of Forex's top traders dissects his account.Forex Avenger SystemIt's not often you get to see the inner workings of two top traders, so don't miss this video. I can tell you Mr. X uses a mechanical trading system that took 8 years to design and test. But I am not the only one who seems to be impressed with this guy. You can see live testimonials of traders who have been allowed to use the system. You see, you might never need another signal service, or newsletter or course again. I also know that he has had loads of requests to trade on behalf of some very big names. The most exciting part of all this is that the system is so easy to implement, so quick to learn, that it will take you no more than 23 minutes to master. I recommend this as one of the best systems this year. Simple to learn, easy to use and has proven results:

L.M.T Forex Formula

Dean Saunders' L.M.T Forex Formula is finally available and I can promise that it'll re-define what "catching BIG moves" is all about...It's actually the first forex system on the market that nails big trade after big trade (500 pips, 700 pips, 1000 pips...) with 82% accuracy. Dean's L.M.T Forex Formula does 2 things to perfection:

A. Takes the stress out of trading by using mechanical rules
B. Makes sure every last pip is squeezed out of every single trade

L.M.T Forex Formula

It's very important that you see how accurate Dean's L.M.T Forex Formula actually is (words are cheap in this business, we all know that!). In case you still don't know what L.M.T stands for then here's the answer: Low Maintenance Trading! Minimum time investment, maximum profitability... that's Dean's specialization and the basis of every single system he develops...That's what he's the best of the best at! L.M.T Forex Formula is, hands-down, Dean's best system when it comes to maximum income and minimum time investment. You can view a detailed TRADE-BY-TRADE account statement (live trading, real money) here:

L.M.T Forex Formula

What I found very impressive and original about the L.M.T Forex Formula is the logic of its unique entry criteria. I've seen many systems aiming to accurately catch big moves but what they all lacked is an ability to filter out fake moves from the really juicy, long-term swings. At the end of the day, it's all about being able to filter "noise" from real action...L.M.T Forex Formula does this with uncanny accuracy (I honestly haven't seen a forex system that filters trades so well)...which means: VERY low drawdown and more consistent income. Dean expands on this and many other areas of L.M.T Forex Formula here:

L.M.T Forex Formula

If you've been trading Forex for any time you know one fundamental rule: volatility increases and decreases constantly. When volatility is low, there's simply no point in trading... there's no direction, no potential. The problem most traders have is in identifying volatility before it starts (after it starts, it's usually too late to jump aboard). L.M.T Forex Formula does this with uncanny precision and makes sure you're riding the important moves before anyone else knows about them. You'll be positioned at the beginning of a 500+ pip move while others have to jump in close to its middle or end. THAT'S the beauty of L.M.T Forex Formula! You can see what I mean here:

L.M.T Forex Formula

You have to get this L.M.T Forex Formula. It's just so easy to use and the results are really good. The L.M.T Forex Formula is a revolutionary method you can use to cash in on the massive Forex trends with less than 15 minutes work each day. If you're trading when you finish work, it will take you between 7 to 15 minutes to make a trade. That's it, no other work is required from you. 

L.M.T Forex Formula

Here's what the L.M.T Forex Formula will do for you...Check the current long term trends to ensure you are trading with the big dogs and the big Dollars. Calculate with an 82% accuracy your point of entry, getting you into the trend with as little drawdown as possible. Calculate the exact stop and take profit levels for the trade based on the current complex market conditions. Keeps you in the trend as long as possible using dynamic trailing stops, designed to maximise your gains in each trade. 

L.M.T Forex Formula

Look, there's aren't many systems I can recommend right now, where you can catch moves worth over $6,500.00 on a consistent basis, and only have to be there for 15 minutes a day. Near-Foolproof Trading Secret...The L.M.T Forex Formula is designed in such a way that it's hard to get it wrong. Once you set up your charts a BIG red or green arrow pops up telling you which direction you should be trading in. Not only that, it tells you the exact point you should exit the market and the precise level you should place your stoploss. Here is what you get with the LMT formula:

- The closely guarded L.M.T Forex Formula manual
- A custom template that you can add to your charts 
- An expert advisor, that does all the work for you 
- A trend indicator that tells you which direction you should be trading in
- A trigger indicator that lets you know exactly when to enter the market
- 4 videos that walk you through step-by-step, on how to get setup and trading in the fastest possible time
- A bonus technique for trading that has proven itself month after month to be effective

This was a comment from one of the initial Beta testers
"84.62% Wins!" 


Before I got a copy of the LMT Forex Formula back in 
January I used to spend 8 hours a day in front of my 
charts and hadn't had a single profitable month ever! 
The best I managed was break even and that only 
happened twice.

After swallowing my pride and implementing the LMT 
Forex Formula in my first month of trading I made 
$4,128. In my second month I made $5,282.

What's even more astounding is the fact I only need 
to be at my charts for 10-15 minutes each day, now I 
have more fr~ee time than I know what to do with.

So far I have had a total of 13 trades with 2 losses.

That's 84.62%!

Anyone who is considering getting a copy of Dean's 
L.M.T Forex Formula should just scroll to the bottom of 
this page and order a copy now!... you won't regret 

Gareth London - UK

L.M.T Forex Formula

L.M.T Forex Formula breaks every conventional forex trading concept. I really respect system developers who actually TRADE the systems they sell... they put their money where their mouth is... they PROVE that they believe in their systems' capabilities. Many would ask what the real advantage of the L.M.T Forex formula is and I can sum it up with 2 points:

1. It aims at LARGE moves rather than small ones and
2. It catches them EARLY with 82% accuracy

It's every trader's dream to be able to catch the big moves with great accuracy... 500-1000 pips or more with extreme precision. No scalping... no stress... no worries about fills, spread or slippage... no sleepless nights. That's how FX trading should be and that's actually how really profitable forex traders bank their profits. You can see how Dean's system works here:

Forex Fundamental Trading Strategies

Forex fundamental trading strategies use fundamental analysis for swing and position trading. The best approach is to use combination of fundamental and technical analysis. Some of the popular forex fundamental trading strategies are:

Carry Trading
As a forex trader, you should be aware of the role played by the interest rate changes in the general economic and investment climate. You should know that interest rates are an essential part of investment decisions and can drive currency markets as well as the stock and commodities markets in either direction. After the unemployment figures, Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) rate decisions are the second largest currency market moving release.

The impact of the interest rate changes not only have short term consequences but also have long term impact on the currency markets. One Central Banks decision can affect more than a single currency pair in the interconnected forex markets.

In forex trading, an interest rate differential is the difference between the base currency and the counter currency interest rate. In the pair, EUR/USD, Euro is the base currency and US Dollar is the counter currency. The interest rate differential for the EUR/USD currency pair will be the difference between the Euro and the US Dollar interest rate.

Understanding the relationship between the interest rate differentials and the currency pairs can be very profitable for you when you trade forex. In addition to FEDs overnight fund rate decisions, expected future overnight rates as well the expected timing for the interest rate changes can be crucial to the currency pair movements.

The reason why it is profitable is that international investors like hedge funds, big banks and institutional investors are yield seekers. They actively keep on shifting funds from the low yield assets to high yield assets.

Interest rate differentials are considered to be the leading indicators for currencies. London Inter Bank Offer Rate (LIBOR) and the 10 year government bond yields are usually used as leading indicators of currency appreciation or depreciation. 

Lets use an example to make it clear. Suppose the Australian 10 year government bond yield is 5.25%. The US 10 year government bond yield is 1.75%. The yield spread between AUD and USD would be 350 basis points in favor of the AUD. 

Suppose the Australian government raised its interest rate by 25 basis points. The Australian 10-year government bond yield would also appreciate to 5.50%. Now, the new yield spread is 375 basis points in favor of the Australian Dollar (AUD). The AUD will also be expected to appreciate against USD overtime.

The general rule of thumb used is that when a yield spread increases in favor of a certain currency that currency is expected to appreciate against other currency in the currency pair. This is important information for you as a trader in telling you before hand about the change in currency price. Up to date interest rate data is available on Bloomberg. Keep track of the currencies in the pairs that you trade with that data.

With that said, in forex markets, carry trading is an easy way to take benefit of the basic economic principle that money is constantly flowing in and out of different markets. Markets with a high rate of return will generally attract more capital.

Carry trading is one of the fundamental trading strategies employed by professional forex traders. Leveraged carry trading is one of the favorite strategies employed by hedge fund and investment banks. You as a forex trader can also benefit from carry trading.

What is a carry trade? In nutshell, carry trading means taking advantage of interest rate difference between two currencies in a currency pair. Investors take benefit of the interest rate differential between two currencies by going long/buying the high interest rate currency and going short/selling the low interest rate currency.

Lets use a simple example to make it clearer: lets assume, New Zealand dollar is offering an interest rate of 4.75% whereas the Japanese yen is offering an interest rate of 0.25%. 

In order to carry trade, an investor buys New Zealand dollars (NZD) and sells Japanese Yens (JPY). As long as the exchange rate between the NZD and JPY does not change, the investor will earn a profit of 4.75-0.25=4.5%. Using a leverage of 5:1, this 4.5% return will be leveraged into 22.5%.

If the currency pair NZD/JPY appreciates, the investor can get a capital gain as well as a yield on the investment. When there is a carry trade opportunity, many investors jump on the bandwagon. The more investors carry trade, the more the currency pair appreciates.

However, carry trading depends a lot on the mood of the investors as a group. When investors have low risk aversion, carry trades will be profitable. But suppose the investors as a group suddenly develop high risk aversion and run to take refuge in safe haven currencies. In this scenario, carry trading will become unprofitable. 

However, if the low interest currency appreciates to some extent for different reasons, carry trade will become unprofitable. In such a scenario, the more the low interest currency appreciates, the more unprofitable carry trading that currency pair will become.

So it essential when you determine a currency pair for carry trading, you also identify the current trend of the currency pair to see whether it is moving in the right direction. 

You can use the MACD (moving average convergence divergence) indicator to identify the trend.

Keeping On Top of Global Macroeconomic Events
As a forex trader you should use a combination of trading strategies in developing your forex system. This will hedge your risk and maximize return. Short term forex traders and day traders try to focus only the economic news release of the week and how it will impact their day trading. This works well for many traders. Learn forex nitty gritty, a method based on only 20 minutes trading a day.

You should not lose sight of the big macroeconomic events that may be brewing in the economy or for that matter in world. Large scale macroeconomic events have the potential and ability of moving the currency markets big time for many months or even years.

The impact of big macroeconomic events has the ability and potential to change the fundamental perception about a currency not only for a few days but for a long time. Events such as natural disaster, political uncertainty, wars and international meetings have widespread physical and psychological impact on forex markets.

Therefore, by keeping on top of the global developments, understanding the underlying market sentiments before and after these global events and trying to anticipate them could be very profitable for you. At least it can help prevent significant losses in your currency trading.

You may ask what type of big events affects the currency markets in the long term. Important world summits, major central bank meetings, potential changes to the currency regimes, possible default by large countries, G-8 Finance Minister meetings, Presidential and Parliamentary elections in big countries, possible wars, FED Chairman semiannual testimony to the Congress. These are only a few examples of big events that make the currency markets jittery and may have a long term impact.

Let's illustrate it with an example, 2004 and 2008 US Presidential elections were hotly contested. Different candidates had opposing stances on the growing budget deficit, trade deficit and unemployment. There were differing views on how to deal with the recession engulfing the US economy. This made US Dollar bearish during the election campaigns.

G-8 Finance Ministers meetings also tend to leave a long lasting impact on forex markets. Combined these eight rich countries account for 2/3rd of the world GDP. So whatever decisions that are taken during these G-8 Finance Minister meetings usually leave a short term as well as a long term impact on the global markets for a considerable time.

For example, the US Dollar collapsed after the September 2003, G-8 Finance Minister meeting in which the finance ministers wanted to see more flexibility in the exchange rates of the member countries. This meeting was also important as the US Trade Deficit was ballooning and going out of control at that time. 

EUR/USD pair bore the burnt of dollar depreciation. Japan and China intervened aggressively to stabilize their currencies. US Dollar had already begun to sell off leading up to the meeting. The trend continued for many months after the meeting with the EUR/USD pair. 

In 2005, US dollar moved higher against most major currency pairs. What turned the market around? Some of the events that drove the dollar higher were dictated by monetary policy as the Federal Reserve continued to raise interest rates. Then there were economic, geopolitical, and political developments on the domestic front that influenced the dollar’s value. For starters, the Homeland Investment Act (HIA) was passed. 

The HIA is part of the 2004 American Jobs Creation Act and was intended to entice U.S based multiconglomerate corporations to bring money back into the United States. The window of opportunity for companies to take advantage of the HIA benefits prompted companies to increase the pace at which funds are repatriated to the United States. Since companies had only until the end of 2005, many analysts suspected that companies would rush to repatriate foreign profits by year’s end and that there would then be a high dollar demand to convert foreign currencies. 

Geopolitical issues arose during the summer of 2005 when there were riots in France as a result of less support for the euro currency. That contributed to a very poor market sentiment and a lack of confidence in the euro. This was grounds for foreign investors to make a flight to financial safety, selling their currency to buy U.S. dollars. The tone was essentially dollar positive and euro negative, which is a result of a change in political views and shows how consumer sentiment can have a negative effect on a currency. 

I have said many times on my posts that technical analysis should be your “bread and butter” for profiting in the forex market; but you still need to be aware of fundamental developments, economic reports, and the times when these reports hit the newswires. As you can see, fiscal policy changes can drive markets in new directions. Therefore, the long term impact of these macroeconomic events is much more significant that the short term impact and the event itself have the ability to change the overall market sentiments.

Forex Transformer

The word in the Forex Trading game is about to be turned on it's head by an amazing breakthrough in artificial intelligence, "The Forex Transformer EA." I was lucky enough to get a pilot run of this amazing EA and the results astounded even me. Imagine a Forex Robot capable of bringing $19,000 profit in only 1 day... Well this is what Paul has managed to achieve with this Forex Robot completely on auto pilot!!

Forex Transformer

Imagine turning $10,000 into $300,000 in less than 9 months without fear? He will show you that his robot can predict market movement and trades and has a 96.2% winning trades ratio. Most Forex Robots can only dream to be so accurate. I don't know too much about it at the moment as he is only leaking out certain information, but apparently it is equipped with ground breaking advancements in money management rules.

Forex Transformer

Paul has assured me that Forex Transformer will transform your life and the way you view the Forex Market Forever. I have also been made aware that this EA is unique and you will never see another robot like this again, with superior technologhy encoded into the software leaving most robots on the market in its wake. A Forex Robot capable of producing $19,000 profit in a single day completely on autopilot. I bring to you Forex Transformer. This is no joke... This EA is creating shock waves throughout the industry and is 100% legal!

Forex Transformer

Forex Transformer is equipped with the latest technological advancements in Artificial Intelligence which makes it possible to predict market movement accurately, giving it a superior advantage over its closest competitors. Forex Transformer's winning trades ratio is at an amazing 96.2%... yes this is for real and Forex Transformer is currently amassing amazing profits. No more wasting money on robots that lose your money. This is the real deal and stems from its advanced money mangement rules encoded into the software, which makes the robot perform well beyond its expectations. Have a look at what Paul has to say and be your own judge.

Forex Transformer

Have you ever wondered why your Forex trades never go according to plan? or why you keep losing money, well Forex Transformer has all the answers for you. Unfortunately for you most of the Forex Robots out there will eventually lose you money, it's a sad fact but true. It's not all doom and gloom for you (luckily), because Forex Transformer is proven to work and consistently bring you profit... The scary thing about this EA is once you've set it up it achieves all these amazing results on it own accord with no intervention needed at all.

Forex Transformer

It creates it's own signals, generates it's own trades and the exceutes them to devastating effect. So much so that you will be forgiven for thinking you are committing a crime for making money easily and with no effort needed. Forex Transformer is truly one of, if not the most sophisticated Forex Robots on the market and has transformed $10,000 into over $300,000 in only 8 MONTHS.

Forex Transformer

Are you ready to get rich via the Forex market? I hope so because the earning potential with Forex Transformer is terrifying! Novices and experienced Forex traders alike are singing the praises for this amazing EA. Can you imagine going to sleep and waking up to profit that you couldn't have earned working for 2 months. In 8 months Paul made more money with his EA than most people will ever see, without lifting a single finger.

Forex Transformer

Forex Transformer works in any market condition and the sophisticated technology installed in the software means it is constantly adapting to the environment it is in and make trades accordingly. Paul's Forex Transformer is 96.2% of the time flawless... Nothing can compare when it comes to long-term profitability I would love to answer all your questions and there has been many, but the best thing to do is have a look for yourself and ask Paul his self outright.

Forex Transformer

Forex Transformer makes it possible to erradicate our main weakness when it comes to trading the Forex market... Fear! You have no need to be afraid to enter the Forex market successfully or to needlessy throw money away ever again. This is the amazing EA capable of siphoning $19,000 profit in 1 day that I have told you about. Forex Transformer has a 96.2% winning trades accuracy putting itself as an elite trading system that will be very hard if not impossible to beat.

Forex Transformer

The Artificial Intelligence this Robot possesses is not like anything been seen before and it is a cash cow you can milk for huge profits. Imagine a life when you could go about your daily duties without a care in the world while you are making a fortune on the Forex Market, well with Forex Transformer you dont have to imagine any longer. Look at these results:

$19,248 profit in 1 day 
$300,000 profit it over 8 months
$34,563 profit in 35 days

The list goes just goes on and on. Even a Forex first timer made $2180 in 2 days completely on autopilot, while on a weekend vacation and with no prior knowledge of Forex Trading. This a serious Forex Robot for serious Forex Traders...If your sick of seeing your money vanish right before your very eyes, then it is time to put these inferior robots to bed and trade with the best. Forex Transformer comes with a 60 day moneyback guarantee in case of the unlikely event of you not being satisfied.

So there really is no risk when it comes to using this EA as Paul has taken on board all the risk. The only thing you risk is missing out on it if you dont act NOW! Once again I advise you to at least see what this guy has to say about Forex Transformer and then make your own minds up. Good Luck. Paul is also introducing us briefly to his secret partner who has remained one of Forex Tradings darkest secrets this is a man who has been eating from the Forex plate for a long time undetected by everyone.

Trade Forex Like A Hedge Fund Manager

Learn to trade forex like a hedge fund manager. The difference between a professional trader and an amateur trader is that a professional trader never goes into a trade blindly. You see hedge fund managers have to show good results to their investors in order to solicit their investments into their funds. Hedge fund managers have to convince their clients that they have a battle tested strategy.

As individual traders, our $5,000 account is as important as any $25 million hedge fund. In fact, our $5,000 account is more important. We are betting our own hard earned money on currency trading. A hedge fund manager is most likely trading with other peoples money.

Most of the hedge fund managers follow a step by step process to develop their forex trading strategies. There is no reason why should we as individual traders also not follow that step by step process to develop our own trading strategies. We cant afford to lose our hard earned money in unsuccessful trading. 

It must be clear from the beginning; every trader has to find ones own edge. We should learn from other successful traders. But, it is your methods that will make you succeed in the long run. This step by step process of developing your own trading strategies like the hedge fund managers do will help you in the long run. 

Properly define your trading strategy. Every hedge fund manager like every trader follows a different methodology. Some use fundamental analysis. Other use technical analysis. 

The first thing that you should understand is what type of currency trader you can be and what style of trading best suits you. Are you comfortable as a day trader? Do you want to be swing trader or position trader? 

From the start, figure out whether you want to trade based on fundamentals or technicals or a combination of both. Hedge fund managers develop their trading strategies by defining clear cut trading rules and coding them. This way the hedge fund managers avoid the pitfalls of emotional trading. 

Trading based on emotion is dangerous and can and will ruin you as a trader. Make your forex system rule based to make your trading as unemotional as possible. 

You need to decide whether you want to be a news trader or you will use technical indicators in your trading. You need to pick a few currency pairs and become master of their behavior. Not all currency pairs are created equal and you need to focus on only a few to become a successful long term trader. 

Every currency pair requires a different trading strategy to make pips. You need to understand this. Some trading strategies work best on one currency pair but don't work on others. You should know that hedge fund managers are always edgy as most of the traders are. They constantly look for trading strategies that work because markets do not remain the same and conditions keep on changing. 

Hedge fund managers aim is to make good money consistently while always on their guard because a trade can go bad any time. If a trade goes bad, they know beforehand how to get out of a bad position before it results in a huge loss. You as individual investors also would put your own money at stake in the hope of making good money. 

You should decide whether you want to range trade or trend trade? Many hedge fund managers are trend following traders. If you want to become a trend trader than you need to become a master of predicting and anticipating trends in your favorite currency pairs. If you want to be a contrarian trader and range trade, than you should understand how to scalp.

You should also decide the best time frame that you will trade most. You should decide whether you will trade the 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 4 hours, daily or weekly chart etc and why. 

Do you want to hold your position overnight or you are happy as a day trader? If you are in a job, do you have time to trade in the evening or the night and how much time you can spare? What time is best for you? 

Learning the art of entry and exit is essential for your success. Should it be single entry, single exit? Should it be single entry, multiple exits? Should it be multiple entries, single exit? Should it be multiple entry, multiple exits? 

You should understand the money management rules. Never ever put more than 1% of your equity at stake in a single trade. Learn to calculate the risk/reward ratio.

Now, test drive the forex system by back testing and forward testing. Back testing can be done on Metatrader and other platforms. Forward test your strategies on a demo account. 

A better approach would be to open a mini account and try to test it live with a mini lot. You will not lose much money this way but you will be playing against your emotions like when you will put large amount of your money at stake using this strategy. 

In the end, forex trading is all about developing discipline in yourself and controlling your emotions. You dont get this feeling in demo trading when you know nothing is at stake and you are under no stress of losing your hard earned money.

Now is the time to get intimate with your strategies. There are two main types of trading strategies"one has a high percentage of profitable trades in a number of trades and the other has a high profit factor per trade. 

The key here is to know exactly what type of market environment your strategy performs well in and what type of market environment your strategy fails in, because only then will you know when it is time to pull the plug.

Understand how much drawdown you can afford on your trading account with this trading strategy. You can establish a bench mark figure using a back test. Decide before hand how much drawdown is acceptable before you pull the plug out of the trade.

The last step of thinking or trading like a hedge fund manager is self reflection. Oftentimes we become so absorbed with trading that we do not notice the obvious. 

This is why it is good to spend some time on a weekly or monthly basis to self reflect on your past trading performance. You need to fix a certain level of pips per day for yourself and keep on tweaking your trading strategies until you reach that figure.

nvesting in E-gold: Myths n Truths

Many people are already starting to pay attention to the newest online trend: E-gold investing.

E-gold investing is a all about a system that allows you to profit from the money that is being traded everyday on the internet. What you're doing when you are trading e-gold (or e-currencies) is that you are providing the backup for internet money. Let me go back a bit. What exactly do I mean by "backup for internet money"?

There is a cashflow of all of the money that is being moved throughout the internet every day. However, this money has to have, for every dollar that is being backed up, a physical backup of that dollar must exist.

This is a very superficial explanation about how the dxgold system works, but to be honest, to profit from it, you don't have to understand exactly how it works to profit from it. If I were to put the e-gold training courses into a metaphor I would say it's very much like driving a car. You don't need to know how it works in order to use it properly.

What you do need to know is the egold exchange process and every step of the way. This may sound complex, but once you get to know it, it becomes a daily routine that takes about five minutes just to check up on.

Investing in e-gold is something that I could describe as a great investing strategy, if you are investing in the long run.

It isn't as fast as a rising stock in wall street, it isn't something that will double your profits in a couple of days, but it is something you can expect to generate a good income from. And the important keyword in that past sentence would be to Expect, because this is a safe long term strategy that is guaranteed to make a profit for you.

This is why I personally think it is plain silly not to learn this currency trading system. You even know how much money you will make each day in advance.

For some it may be tough, but saving a couple of hundred dollars and investing in e-gold can be a very wise decision. As many people have experienced already, it can even turn into a "hands off" second income without the 8 to 5 job.

E-gold is all about discipline. Is about the discipline of having your money work for you and letting it grow, without getting an urge of a shopping spree and taking your money out of your account.

If you think you can wait for a few months and are interested in getting a second income, then the e-gold system could be a good fit for you.

Forex Scalping for beginners

Forex scalping is one of the most popular ways for new traders to get into forex trading and offers the appeal of regular profits and low risk. In this article we are going to cover all the facts related to forex scalping for beginners, so lets get started.

Forex scalping in essence, looks to trade within daily time frames making small regular profits, using tight stops to generate big profits overtime - the big problem is it has never worked and never will.


Because the logic it is based on is simply incorrect and if you read on, we will tell you why and show you the evidence, which shows why one of the best ways to lose money in forex trading is forex scalping.

Let’s take a look at the market first and how they move.

We have trillions of dollars traded daily, by millions of different traders and to say that you can say what this vast mass of traders is going to do in such a short time frame, as a few hours is laughable.


All short term volatility is random.

This means that prices can and do go anywhere in a day – support and resistance levels are not valid, so it doesn’t matter how good your technical indicators are they will fail in this random environment.

I have seen successful track records though!

Sure you have – and their sold by vendors with a vested interest.

There are loads of them and they are all designed to bring forex scalping to beginners - for a few hundred bucks you get rich, sure you do.

Take a reality check!

These vendors make money selling forex scalping systems, NOT trading them - their far too clever for that.

What you will see is an unbelievable track record that shows great profits with little or now drawdown and common sense tells you that if it’s too good to be true and it most are!

Many traders however fall for the ploy and buy the system, lose and wonder why.

If they were to take a closer look at the forex scaling track records presented, they will see the words “hindsight” or “simulation” written all over the track record as a disclaimer.

What does this mean?

Well – the track record is done in hindsight and simulated, knowing the closing prices!

How hard is that?

My eight year old daughter could do that and so could anyone who can read and write and you can to – these track records are totally meaningless and really not worth the paper their written on.

You can of course find a real-time track record but you will spend a long time in your search – I have spent 25 years trying, so if you find one let me know.

The fact is forex scalping for beginners takes advantage of naive and gullible investors who think winning is easy and they don’t stop to think about the reasons these systems cannot and never will work

If You Want to Win

You need to trade the odds and that means using time frames that allow you to get the odds in your favour and this means trading longer term.

If you are a beginner at forex trading and want to get a forex education that will help you win look at forex swing trading or long term trend following here you work with valid data and can get the odds on your side.

Avoid forex scalping and forex day trading and like I said earlier if you find a real time track record let me know.

Free Forex Ebooks


Ill post a few free ebooks on forex in this post..

so that you can familiarise yourself with the world of Forex

Introduction To Forex

by 1st Forex Trading Academy. This trading course intends to provide to all of the students analytical tools on the trading system and methodologies. In this respect, the purpose of the course is to provide an overview of the many strategies that are being used in Forex market and to discuss the steps and tools that are needed in order to use these strategies successfully.

Another Good free EBOOK


by Scott Owens. A small e-book covering the basic and the main problems of Forex trading

Ill keep updating..

Pls check back for more updates

Automated Forex Software

FXTradeStream - Takes signals from emails and executes them in the MetaTrader platform. 
HyperOrder - Takes signals from TradeStation, MetaStock, ESignal or a custom application and sends them to a broker's API including FXCM, EFX Group, MetaTrader, Interactive Brokers and more. 
Neoticker - Create automated systems and execute them into MB Trading, EFX Group, Interactive Brokers or FXCM 
NinjaTrader - Sends signals from TradeStation, ESignal or a custom application into Interactive Brokers, MB Trading or Gain Capital 
SnapDragon - Sends signals from TradeStation to Oanda's API 
Thinking Stuff - Backtest and automate your trading system into Gain Capital and Oanda with the click of a mouse. No programming knowledge required. 
Trade Bolt - Takes signals from TradeStation, ESignal, MetaStock or WealthBuilder and sends them to Interactive Brokers 
TradeBullet - Sends orders from TradeStation, eSignal and custom applications into Interactive Brokers, EFX Group and MB Trading 
TradeCompanion - Automates your trading systems written in TradeStation, Excel, Visual Basic or any other proprietary platform and executes them into the BGCFX trading platform. 
TradeItself - Takes trading signals from emails a

Forex and Automated Forex : A Beginners guide

Forex, or foreign exchange trading, is growing by leaps and bounds. It is becoming as popular (if not more) than the stock market, and Forex traders are discovering small fortunes every day! If you're new to Forex, you might find it to be confusing at first. Use the quick beginner's guide to Forex below to learn more about Forex and automated Forex.

What is Forex?

Forex is the act of trading various currencies from around the world. The Forex market started in the 1970s, but has in recent years caught on like wildfire in the stock market world. Forex trading systems record about USD $1.5 trillion in transactions every single day!

The goal in Forex trading is to make a profit when currency values increase or decrease within a currency pair. You will trade only when you expect the value of a currency to increase. In a currency pair, when the currency you bought increases, then you must sell the other currency to make a profit. An open trade, or open position, is a type of trade in which you have already purchased or sold a currency pair, but have not yet bought back an equivalent amount.

The five most significant currency pairs in Forex right now are USD/Yen, Euro/Yen, Pound/USD, Swiss franc/USD, and the Euro/USD.

To get started in Forex trading, you will create a Forex account through a Forex broker. Then, you will need to create a Forex trading strategy that works best for you. The strategy you choose should be tested using a practice account if possible before you start investing your real money. This will enable you to become familiar with Forex trading without risk.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Forex Trading

Forex trading offers a number of advantages. It offers more chances to make short-term profits than the stock market because money moves faster in Forex. The trading opens and closes within only a few seconds, so money can be made quickly. Also, Forex trading is easier to monitor than the stock market because you are only keeping up with currencies, not hundreds or thousands of companies.

There are a few disadvantages as well. Forex trading is risky as is the stock market. Because trading occurs so frequently, Forex trading requires constant monitoring throughout the day to enjoy maximum benefits. Those who don't have time to monitor their Forex trading might lose more than they gain.

Automated Forex

With a new Forex trading system called automated Forex, you can enjoy the benefits of Forex without continual monitoring. Automated Forex is accomplished through trading software. The software monitors the Forex market for you by receiving Forex signals from trading systems and by using daily charts to analyze trends in Forex 24/7. The creation of automated Forex was based on a manual technique that has been used successfully by trading experts for years.

Automated Forex software is available from a number of companies online and offers you the advantage of around-the-clock trading. With these easy day trade signals, your automated Forex software will be able to trade for you while you're away and while you're sleeping. You never have to do the trading yourself, and you don't have to worry about it constantly when you're away. It's like having an expert advisor system in your own home or office PC.

Forex trading can be lucrative for you if you study the system and find a great strategy. Use online resources and helpful automated Forex tools to get started right away!

Optimize Your Forex Trading

Bollinger Bands (BB) is among the most powerful economic indicators in the foreign exchange market. Invented by John Bollinger in 1980's; the bands are simply measuring the highness or the lowness of the current price of an equity or a currency pair relative to previous trades. Technically speaking, that is to measure the standard deviation from the moving average. In order to explore the premise behind the bands, let’s first see the band’s three main components.


1) A middle band represents a 20 period SMA 
2) An upper band represents the 2nd standard deviation above the middle band 
3) A lower band represents the 2nd standard deviation below the middle band 
The rationality behind the Bollinger Bands is that the upper BB would act as a resistance level and the lower BB would act as a support level. When the price of a currency pair touches any of the two bands, it’s highly likely that the pair will retrace toward the moving average in the middle of the bands. This means that BB will perform only at a range bound market and not at a trending market.

Suggested Strategy:

1) Traders need to identify a range bound trading market (higher lows and lower highs) 
2) When the price of a currency pair hits the upper BB, traders may place a short position after the formation of a bearish candlestick pastern
3) When the price of a currency pair hits the lower BB, traders may place a long position after the formation of a bullish candlestick pattern
4) In the two cases, traders may make their target at the middle BB band 
5) Protective stops would be placed at a reasonable distance above the upper band (in the short trade), or below the lower band (in the long trade).

Stop losses at Trading Forex

In this article I am going to give you plenty of advice in fact I am going to outline simple things that I changed in order to profit consistently from the Forex market, this small piece of information is worth more than you think.

Do you have a business plan for trading Forex? If not you should, plan where you are and exactly where you want to be in a year. Create a reachable goal and focus on achieving it. Leave all the get rich quick ideas at the door.

Do not system jump. There are literally thousands of good forex systems available yet people are not consistent in there approach in using them. They have a couple of losing trades and start looking for the next system. Do not fall into this horrible rut, I know many traders who have been stuck in this stage for years.

You may be surprised to know that professional traders are not particular about there systems, most of them are so simple you would think they are crazy. I know of a professional trader who uses one moving average and nothing else at all, yet he is very profitable.

Learn the power of compounding your money, small gains consistently in the Forex market equal huge gains over the year by compounding your winnings.

Last but not least, I am sure you are eager to start making money from the forex market if you are not already doing so. This leads many new traders into yet another rut, trading can become peoples lives. They live for trading and yet they are not profitable.

Remember to take time away from trading, do not keep you charts up all the time tempting you to make a trade. Make a time to trade and if you do not find any good trades then wait for the next session. Remember not having a position in the market is sometimes more profitable than having one.

Important Forex Trading Terms

The spread is the difference between the price that you can sell currency at ( Bid) and the price you can buy currency at (Ask). The spread on majors is usually 3 pips under normal market conditions. For more information on the trading conditions at Saxo Bank, go to the Account Summary on your Client Station and open the section entitled "Trading Conditions" found in the top right-hand corner of the Account Summary. 
A pip is the smallest unit by which a cross price quote changes. When trading forex you will often hear that there is a 3-pip spread when you trade the majors. This spread is revealed when you compare the bid and the ask price, for example EURUSD is quoted at a bid price of 0.9875 and an ask price of 0.9878. The difference is USD 0.0003, which is equal to 3 “pips”.

On a contract or position, the value of a pip can easily be calculated. You know that the EURUSD is quoted with four decimals, so all you have to do is cancel out the four zeros on the amount you trade and you will have the va value of one pip. Thus, on a EURUSD 100,000 contract, one pip is USD 10. On a USDJPY 100,000 contract, one pip is equal to 1000 yen, because USDJPY is quoted with only two decimals

Introduction To Forex trading

I will start off with a nice intro, a one that will give insight to even a newbie on Forex trading

It would be in your best interest to acclimatize yourself to the basics of Forex Trading before taking the plunge as it possesses huge risks and opportunities as well. Its the largest and most liquid market of the world

A glossary is also provided at the bottom of this article for assistance to newbies 
Foreign exchange, forex or just FX are all terms used to describe the trading of the world's many currencies. The forex market is the largest market in the world, with trades amounting to more than USD 1.5 trillion every day. Most forex trading is speculative, with only a few percent of market activity representing governments' and companies' fundamental currency conversion needs. 

Unlike trading on the stock market, the forex market is not conducted by a central exchange, but on the “interbank” market, which is thought of as an OTC (over the counter) market. Trading takes place directly between the two counterparts necessary to make a trade, whether over the telephone or on electronic networks all over the world. The main centres for trading are Sydney, Tokyo, London, Frankfurt and New York. This worldwide distribution of trading centres means that the forex market is a 24-hour market.

Forex: Keeping It Simple

Keeping everything simple is a nice strategy in almost all types of activities. Sometimes, simplicity is the only way to become profitable in the Forex trading. Of course, not everyone likes to keep everything simple and not everyone should do that. But simplifying some basic aspects of the Forex trading will help you to avoid unnecessary problems and complications:
Simple trading strategy can be as profitable as some really complex systems. By keeping your strategy simple you make it easier to follow and execute it. Adding complexity in the future can be your next level, but trading with a simple strategy is a very good way to start trading on Forex for real.
Try to follow a simple money management system — trading with a fixed percentage of your account equity is easy and effective. Martingale system isn’t simple and leads to losses. So, with money management simple is almost always good.
Fundamental analysis is a nice tool, but it’s better to avoid reacting on all fundamental news you hear. Keep it simple — select only really important releases or indicators and monitor them when you trade.
One of the best ways to simplify your Forex trading is to hold the open positions for a fixed amount of time. This way, your positions are limited not only with the stop-loss and take-profit levels, but also with the time limit. I prefer limiting them to 30, 60, 360 minutes and 1 week periods, depending on the particular strategy.
Try not to trade on currency pairs with the base currency different from the one, in which your account is founded. For example, if you trade USD/JPY, while your account is founded in USD, your profit or loss can’t be adequately measured, because it inversely depends on the USD/JPY rate.
Look for a Forex broker with the fixed spreads, because trading with the variable spreads can’t be easy. You can’t rely on your strategy, especially if it’s a short-term strategy, if you don’t know the spreads values for sure.
Some traders adore simple approaches to the market, while others hate everything that’s easily understood by high-school graduate and prefer complexity. If you think that you are the one from the first group, then this list will probably help you. If you know some other ways to simplify Forex trading, please, leave a comment to this post.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Beat the Odds in Forex Trading

"Beat the odds..." seems to be an updated and edited version of Igrok's previous book `Rules of Engagement" which I also got from his site about a couple years ago. At that time I paid for the book $300, but still have no regrets though. The book was worth its price then and definitely worth its price now when it finally became available to a larger trading audience. I bought a copy of his book for the price of $300 largely out of pure curiosity because right before then I came across a bunch of trading strategies called "Igrok's trading templates" offered for sale on the internet by some Russian intellectual pirates


Praise for FOREX CONQUERED "In this amazing book, John covers it all. From trading systems to money management to emotions, he explains easily how to pull money consistently from the most complicated financial market in the world. John packs more new, innovative information into this book than I have ever seen in a trading book before." —Rob Booker, independent currency trader "John Person is one of the few rare talents that are uniquely qualified to help traders understand the process of successful trading.

Selective Forex Trading: How to Achieve Over 100 Trades in a Row Without a Loss

Selective Forex Trading skillfully outlines author Don Snellgrove’s S90/Crossover: an independently verified technical indicator that has provided traders with the ability to achieve over 100 consecutive Forex trades without a single loss. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just getting started, this approach—which is based on historical resistance and support points within a trading range—can assist you in entering and exiting positions for the greatest profits possible.

Foreign Exchange market (Forex)

The Foreign Exchange market (Forex) is truly the largest exchange in the world. The amount of dollars traded on the Forex market on a daily basis is in the trillions. Most of this currency trading takes place between between large banks, central banks, currency speculators, multinational corporations, governments, and other financial markets and institutions. However, individual traders are starting to get in the mix, using internet discount brokers such as Etrade to participate in the currency exchange market.

forex central exchange

There is no central exchange or meeting place for the Forex. All trading is done over computer networks between traders in different parts of the world. Also, unlike the stock market, the foreign exchange market is open 24 hours per day, because it is a global market. A trader in Hong Kong may be exchanging currency with a trader in Australia while an American trader is

Forex exchange system

There are several different markets within the Forex exchange system. First, there is the spot market. The spot market deals with trades that are based on the current values of currencies. One person trades a certain amount of currency with another trader in exchange for an equivalent amount of a different foreign currency. Spot trades take two days for settlement.

Friday, the US dollar has been climbing against its Canadian counterpart. At about 12:55 am ET, the dollar reached a new multi-month high of 1.1651 ag

During early trading on Friday, the British pound slumped to fresh multi-year lows against its most major counterparts, as investors grew fearful about the global financial crisis despite concerted efforts by central banks around the world to unfreeze the credit markets and prevent a global slowdown. The pound slipped to a 5-year low against the dollar, 12-year low against the franc and a more than 7-year low against the yen. The pound also weakened against the euro and touched a 1-month low.

Forex US dollar Rises Further against Canadian Dollar

Friday, the US dollar has been climbing against its Canadian counterpart. At about 12:55 am ET, the dollar reached a new multi-month high of 1.1651 against the loonie, compared to Thursday's closing value of 1.1503. As of now, the pair is trading at 1.1633. On the upside, the dollar may likely target the 1.179 level against the Canadian currency.


About ForexGen is an online trading service provider supplying a unique and individualized service to Forex traders worldwide. We are dedicated to absolutely provide the best online trading services in the Forex market.ForexGen provides a unique online trading experience based on our intelligent online Forex trading package, the ForexGen Trading Station, including the best online trading system.ForexGen serves both private and institutional clients. We have a strong commitment to maintain a long term relationship with our clients.

Contact iformation
Main Office Address : Tollbugata 17, 0152 Oslo,Norway
Post Address: Box 778 Sentrum, 0104 Oslo, Norway
Phone Number : +4799494878
Web URL:

Company Additional Information
On-line since: 2006
Country of origin: Norway
Regulation: Unregulated
Payment options: Wire transfer
Minimum account size: $250
Minimum lot size: 0.01 lot
Leverage: from 1:50 to 1:500
Spreads: from 0 to 2 pips on major currency pairs

Review on ForexGen
nobee, Pakistan
Date of Post: 2008-10-22
Forexgen is a scam. We have same bad experienced with them.All of its victims give us your email and contact no. We are hiring a lawyer and prepare a case against them. We need your support to make our case strong therefore any info you can provide will be helpful. Please send me your contact information and summary of what happened to you at Looking forward from all of you!
Thank you!
Overall rating is scam please be aware of that.

Site information
Created: 2006-04-02
Expires: 2010-04-02
Updated: 2009-03-03


About Easy-Forex
They say, Easy-Forex aims to make foreign exchange easy for any person who is interested in getting to know the Forex market and trading in it. You do not need to download a special program to your computer because Easy-Forex uses the Internet. This means you can trade, monitor status, check scenarios, change some terms of a deal or close it, anytime, anywhere. 
You can start trading using your own private credit card and can make deals using small amounts of money. With Easy-Forex we offer a range of benefits that smart traders are looking for. 
Easy-Forex is an international company with offices in Europe, UK, USA, Middle East, Asia and Australia. It is regulated and has licenses in many countries in the world. If you wish to get to know the Forex market, then open an account with us free of charge.

Contact information
Easy Forex Ltd.
P.O.Box 53742
Limassol 3317
Headquarters, Limassol, Cyprus +357-25-828899
Dealing Room, Limassol +357-25-845555
Fax, Cyprus +357-25-817183 
Chicago, IL, USA: +1-312-234-9110
Website URL:

Company Additional Information
On-line since: 2001
Country of origin: Cyprus
Regulation: Registered with NFA (ID #0358754).
Payment options: Credit cards, PayPal
Minimum account size: $200
Minimum lot size: 0.025 lot
Leverage: 1:100
Spreads: 3 pips on EUR/USD

Review on Easy-Forex
Danish, denmark
Date of Post: 2008-11-13
There are many scam reviews on easy-forex, wonder why... I have traded with them since 2005 and NEVER had a problem, not once did they try to "scam" me. I have to say... I'm sceptical abuot some of the negative reviews, there are many other brokers trying to put this company down because of competition too you know, just think about it...
More reviews (
To me really Just think about it, maybe he is right.
More reviews visit (
Website information
Created: 2001-08-14
Expires: 2011-08-14
Updated: 2009-04-04
It's visitors are mixed cannot say anything,but good traffic rank.

Forex info1

Forex info : Six Steps to Success

Step 1. Choose an online Forex Firm
What to look for in an online Forex Firm:

1. Low Spreads.
In Forex Trading the ‘spread’ is the difference between the buy and
sell price of any given currency pair. The lower the spread saves
the trader money. Most firms offer 4-5 pip spreads in the Major
Currency pairs. The best firms offer clients 3-5 pips.

2. Low minimum account openings.
For those that are new to trading, and for those that don’t have
thousands of dollars in risk capital to trade, being able to open a
mini trading account with only $200 is a great feature for new

3. Instant automatic execution of your orders.
This is very important when choosing a Forex firm. You want instant
execution of your orders and the price you see and ‘click’ is the price
that you should get. Don’t settle with a firm that re-quotes you when
you click on a price or a firm that allows for price ‘slippage’. This is
very important when trading for small profits.

4. Free charting and technical analysis
You need a firm that gives you access to the best charting and technical
analysis available to active traders. The firm that I recommend gives
clients FREE professional charting services and even allows traders to
trade directly on the charts!

5. High Leverage
You want high leverage—the ability to trade a large amount with a small
margin deposit. Some of the best firms offer .25% or 400:1 leverage.

6. Hedging Capability
You want the flexibility of opening positions on the same currency pair in
opposite directions without them eliminating each other and without
margin increase!

Forex info2

4. Forex info : Market hours

Time zone New york GMT

Tokyo open 7:00 PM 0:00
Tokyo close 4:00 AM 9:00

London open 3:00 AM 8:00
London close 12:00 PM 17:00

New york open 8:00 AM 13:00
New york close 5:00 PM 22.00

Forex Brokers

 buy and sell financial instrument with one click
- No commisions or fees on your trade
- you can start trading as little as $1
- open your account for free and get $5 free
- real time econimic news and forecast
- free chat with your friend in the market
- advance personal charting
- Get the friendly, easy software
- International support (bahasa indonesia support)


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Trust Yourself

When you turn on the TV (especially mainstream media) you are inundated with news of the demise of the dollar. Business news, national news and even your local news channels are leading into events with reports of the dollar and the economy. Analysts are featured and opinions are smattered across the airwaves in an attempt to provide an oracle response to current economic events.

Beware the source and follow your system.

In these volatile times it is easy to get caught up in the hype provide by all the news media and analyst. It is natural to want to look for guidance. Remember to trust your system and more important trust yourself. You, after all, are the single largest determinant of your success.

Your approach should remain consistent, almost impervious to the events occurring because you follow your plan with discipline and ruthless detail to executing at optimum performance.

Be disciplined and follow your plan. If market conditions don’t suite your style – sit this one out until conditions provide your with your personal edge!

Happy Trading!!

Do you have what it takes to become a successful Forex Trader?

Forex trading, or any trading for that matter, is an occupation that requires experience and the accumulation of proficiency not unlike any other highly skilled profession. Whether you are a leading executive at a major publically traded company, a professional golfer or trading from your kitchen table, there are 5 key ingredients that one must possess in order to become successful.